Eastern Time | ![]() |
7:00am | Abundant LivingRelieving Power Surges #AL210237 Curtis Eakins, Paula Eakins |
7:15am | |
7:30am | EngageThe Bible Is Boring, Pt. 1 #E000024 Michael Johnson |
7:45am | |
8:00am | Remedy RoadmapMarijuana Myths: The Real Impact On Health #RRO240006 Dr. Helen Stoddart, Eric Walsh, Raven White |
8:15am | |
8:30am | Chew's ChallengeDay 8 #CWC000008 Chef G.W Chew, Tina Chew, Chef Tim Lawson |
8:45am | |
9:00am | Behold the Lamb PresentsLord, Save Us! Or We Perish! #BTLP000054 Chris Shelton, Kenny Shelton |
9:15am | |
9:30am | |
9:45am | |
10:00am | Urban ReportTestimony of Restoration #UBR000089 Michael Harris, Yvonne Lewis |
10:15am | |
10:30am | Salvation in Symbols and SignsThe Sealed Book -part 1 #SISS000017 Jason Bradley, Yvonne Lewis, Ivor Myers, James Rafferty |
10:45am | |
11:00am | Digital DisconnectDigital Detox #DID210013 Scott Ritsema |
11:15am | |
11:30am | Multitude of CounselorsAnger #MOC000011 Jennifer Jill Schwirzer Robert D, Nivischi Edwards, David Guerrero, Dr. Jean Wright |
11:45am | |
12:00pm | Divine DesignThe Importance of Prenatal Care #DIV000006 Patti Barnes |
12:15pm | Be Real. Be True. Be You.God's Rainbow: A Review of His Love and Provision #BBB240010 Angel, Brighton, Michael Carducci, Izhar, Madison, Noa |
12:30pm | Magnify HimMinistry of Music #MGNH000035 Lyndon Carriger, HIS, Danita Jones, Serenity |
12:45pm | |
1:00pm | Taste of ParadiseMacadamia Almond Cheese / Sweet Potato Pie #TOP000016 Nyse Collins, Evita Tezeno |
1:15pm | |
1:30pm | For Guys Only.Alcohol and Substance Abuse - Part 2 #FGOY000024 Brandon Dent, William Lee, Colin King PhD |
1:45pm | |
2:00pm | Chew's ChallengeDay 8 #CWC000008 Chef G.W Chew, Tina Chew, Chef Tim Lawson |
2:15pm | |
2:30pm | Urban ReportTestimony of Restoration #UBR000089 Michael Harris, Yvonne Lewis |
2:45pm | |
3:00pm | Celebrating Life in RecoveryThis Hood Of Ours Ministry, Part 2 of 2 #CLR000105 Jasahn Larsosa, Johanahn Larsosa, Cheri Peters |
3:15pm | |
3:30pm | |
3:45pm | |
4:00pm | Breath of Life "Walter Pearson"Look Up, Pt. 1 #BOLW000433 Walter Pearson |
4:15pm | |
4:30pm | Breath of Life "Walter Pearson"Look Up, Pt.2 #BOLW000434 Walter Pearson |
4:45pm | |
5:00pm | Abundant LivingRelieving Power Surges #AL210237 Curtis Eakins, Paula Eakins |
5:15pm | |
5:30pm | Action 4 LifeHypertension #AFL000007 Ben Burkhamer, Casio Jones |
5:45pm | |
6:00pm | Remedy RoadmapMarijuana Myths: The Real Impact On Health #RRO240006 Dr. Helen Stoddart, Eric Walsh, Raven White |
6:15pm | |
6:30pm | Free IndeedOur Lord God is Mighty #FIN000025 Sargeant Vivian Malone, Clifford McGee |
6:45pm | |
7:00pm | Urban ReportTestimony of Restoration #UBR000089 Michael Harris, Yvonne Lewis |
7:15pm | |
7:30pm | Salvation in Symbols and SignsThe Sealed Book -part 1 #SISS000017 Jason Bradley, Yvonne Lewis, Ivor Myers, James Rafferty |
7:45pm | |
8:00pm | Digital DisconnectDigital Detox #DID210013 Scott Ritsema |
8:15pm | |
8:30pm | Multitude of CounselorsAnger #MOC000011 Jennifer Jill Schwirzer Robert D, Nivischi Edwards, David Guerrero, Dr. Jean Wright |
8:45pm | |
9:00pm | Divine DesignThe Importance of Prenatal Care #DIV000006 Patti Barnes |
9:15pm | Be Real. Be True. Be You.God's Rainbow: A Review of His Love and Provision #BBB240010 Angel, Brighton, Michael Carducci, Izhar, Madison, Noa |
9:30pm | Magnify HimMinistry of Music #MGNH000035 Lyndon Carriger, HIS, Danita Jones, Serenity |
9:45pm | |
10:00pm | Taste of ParadiseMacadamia Almond Cheese / Sweet Potato Pie #TOP000016 Nyse Collins, Evita Tezeno |
10:15pm | |
10:30pm | For Guys Only.Alcohol and Substance Abuse - Part 2 #FGOY000024 Brandon Dent, William Lee, Colin King PhD |
10:45pm | |
11:00pm | Remedy RoadmapMarijuana Myths: The Real Impact On Health #RRO240006 Dr. Helen Stoddart, Eric Walsh, Raven White |
11:15pm | |
11:30pm | Urban ReportTestimony of Restoration #UBR000089 Michael Harris, Yvonne Lewis |
11:45pm |
* Channel listings obtained programmically by an automated script run each night. Listings may also be edited to improve consistency between the different channels. Links to watch or purchase are also added in an attempt to improve this resource. Not everything on this site is reviewed and the information and links on this site are therefore not guaranteed to be correct.