Eastern Time | ![]() |
12:00am | Revelation Now (new)The Church In Prophecy #RNN000019 Jac Colon |
12:15am | |
12:30am | |
12:45am | |
1:00am | Revelation Speaks PeaceThe coming of the lawless one #RSP000011 |
1:15am | |
1:30am | |
1:45am | |
2:00am | Eleventh Hour EvidenceCreation Pt.1 Father God, Or Mother Nature? #EHE000009 David Asscherick |
2:15am | |
2:30am | |
2:45am | |
3:00am | Life Discovery SeriesThe Unpardonable Sin #LDS000022 Jim Reinking |
3:15am | |
3:30am | |
3:45am | |
4:00am | 3ABN On the RoadMessage from Outer Space #OTR000723 Louis Torres |
4:15am | |
4:30am | |
4:45am | |
5:00am | 3ABN HomecomingRepentance and Confession #HC240003 Ryan Day John Dinzey |
5:15am | |
5:30am | |
5:45am | |
6:00am | Breath of Life "Walter Pearson"Authorized Break-In Pt. 1 #BOLW000206 Walter Pearson |
6:15am | |
6:30am | Breath of Life "Walter Pearson"Authorized Break-In Pt. 2 #BOLW000207 Walter Pearson |
6:45am | |
7:00am | His Harvest is ReadyGive All; Get All God #HHR000007 C.A. Murray |
7:15am | |
7:30am | |
7:45am | |
8:00am | Thunder in the Holy LandOne 7th In Time #THL000012 Charles Byrd, Shalom David, Andrea Endries, Stephen Fowler, Levi Longoria |
8:15am | |
8:30am | ![]() It Is WrittenMan of Faith #IIW019202 |
8:45am | |
9:00am | Remodeling Your LifePressing Together #RYL000011 Jim Ayer |
9:15am | |
9:30am | Breath of LifeSize Doesn’t Matter Part 2 of 2 #BOLS000069 |
9:45am | |
10:00am | Revelation Insights!The Day Men Forgot #RIN000012 Lyle Albrecht |
10:15am | |
10:30am | |
10:45am | |
11:00am | Pioneer MediaReturn to Calvary: The Extreme Prayer (How to Let Somebody Go) #PME230415 |
11:15am | |
11:30am | |
11:45am | |
12:00pm | Voice of Prophecy SpeaksForever Marked #VOPS000023 Lonnie Melashenko |
12:15pm | |
12:30pm | |
12:45pm | |
1:00pm | Forecasting Hope #FH200006 |
1:15pm | |
1:30pm | |
1:45pm | |
2:00pm | Behold the Lamb PresentsWhy Some Will Never Come to Christ #BTLP000081 Chris Shelton, Kenny Shelton |
2:15pm | |
2:30pm | |
2:45pm | |
3:00pm | In The Footsteps of PaulReturn To Galatia #IFP000015 Tony Moore |
3:15pm | |
3:30pm | ![]() It Is WrittenMan of Faith #IIW019202 |
3:45pm | |
4:00pm | Revelation of Jesus ChristFour Horsemen of the Apocalypse #RJC000010 Kenneth Cox |
4:15pm | |
4:30pm | |
4:45pm | |
5:00pm | White Horse MediaUnplug and Connect On Purpose #WHM000112 Rob Knott, Traci Knott |
5:15pm | |
5:30pm | White Horse MediaGod's Last Message to His Church: Part Two #WHM000107 Rob Knott, Steve Wohlberg |
5:45pm | |
6:00pm | Revelation Insights!The Day Men Forgot #RIN000012 Lyle Albrecht |
6:15pm | |
6:30pm | |
6:45pm | |
7:00pm | 3ABN Worship HourBut If Not #WHO230021 Ryan Day |
7:15pm | |
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7:45pm | |
8:00pm | Anchors of TruthThe Great Controversy And The Time Of The End #AOT000064 John Bradshaw, Host: C.A. Murray |
8:15pm | |
8:30pm | |
8:45pm | |
9:00pm | Salvation in Symbols and SignsIntroduction to the Trumpets Part 1 of 3 #SISS000030 Jason Bradley, Yvonne Lewis, Ivor Myers, James Rafferty |
9:15pm | |
9:30pm | Timeless Healing InsightsJesus Meets Our Deepest Needs: Weight & Health Optimization - Part 1 of 2 #THI000023 |
9:45pm |
* Channel listings obtained programmically by an automated script run each night. Listings may also be edited to improve consistency between the different channels. Links to watch or purchase are also added in an attempt to improve this resource. Not everything on this site is reviewed and the information and links on this site are therefore not guaranteed to be correct.