Seventh-day Adventist Satellite

Channel Schedule*

Use this form to search the television schedule for the Seventh-day Adventist channels broadcasting on Galaxy 19. Select the channels you are interested in, optionally filter by the title of the show or series or name of the speaker, enter a date and time range. You can also select "Compact Table" to see a condensed schedule or "List" for a simplified view.

Date RangeTime Range
ViewTime Zone

Monday - September 16, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Tuesday - September 17, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Wednesday - September 18, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Thursday - September 19, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Friday - September 20, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Saturday - September 21, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Sunday - September 22, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Monday - September 23, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Tuesday - September 24, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Wednesday - September 25, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Thursday - September 26, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

Friday - September 27, 2024

Sorry, no listings are available at this time. Please modify your search in the form above

* Channel listings obtained programmically by an automated script run each night. Listings may also be edited to improve consistency between the different channels. Links to watch or purchase are also added in an attempt to improve this resource. Not everything on this site is reviewed and the information and links on this site are therefore not guaranteed to be correct.