Seventh-day Adventist Satellite


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Series: LineageListings
Shows: 40
TitleSeries#SpeakersLast ShownListings
Adventism: The Early Formation of Key BeliefsLineageLIN000012otherFeb 28th, 20252025-02-284 listings
Closing Scenes of Paul, Peter and John in Rome and PatmosLineageLIN000033otherDec 20th, 20242024-12-201 listings
Constantine, The Celtic Church and the WaldensesLineageLIN000001Adam RamdinJan 24th, 20252025-01-244 listings
Early Adventism In Australia and New ZealandLineageLIN000017otherDec 11th, 20242024-12-113 listings
Early Pioneers, 1888, Britain and AustraliaLineageLIN000016otherMar 14th, 20252025-03-144 listings
Ellen Whites Later Years and the Sda Church (BehinLineageLIN000020otherDec 29th, 20242024-12-292 listings
European Adventism, Youth Ministries and the WhiteLineageLIN000015otherMar 13th, 20252025-03-134 listings
From Creation to the PlaguesLineageLIN000021otherJan 8th, 20252025-01-083 listings
From Ephesus to Pergamos ft extra Behind the Scenes footageLineageLIN000024otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-293 listings
From Pentecost to Antioch: The Birth of ChristianiLineageLIN000031otherMar 16th, 20252025-03-162 listings
From Philadelphia to Laodicea ft extra Behind the Scenes footageLineageLIN000026otherFeb 12th, 20252025-02-122 listings
From the Judges to King David ft. Extra episode on AnabaptistsLineageLIN000023otherJan 22nd, 20252025-01-223 listings
From The Passover to JerichoLineageLIN000022otherJan 15th, 20252025-01-153 listings
From The Waldneses to WycliffeLineageLIN000002Adam RamdinJan 30th, 20252025-01-305 listings
From Thyatira to Sardis ft extra Behind the Scenes footageLineageLIN000025otherFeb 5th, 20252025-02-053 listings
Invasions, Takeovers, Massacres and New HorizonsLineageLIN000008Adam RamdinMar 8th, 20252025-03-084 listings
Jesus Early Challenges, Sermons and Calling His DisciplesLineageLIN000028otherFeb 26th, 20252025-02-263 listings
Jesus Early Years and Start of MinistryLineageLIN000027otherFeb 19th, 20252025-02-193 listings
Jesus Most Powerful Miracle’S and ParablesLineageLIN000029otherMar 5th, 20252025-03-053 listings
John Huss, Jerome and the Gutenberg PressLineageLIN000003Adam RamdinJan 31st, 20252025-01-315 listings
John Knox, Oxford Martyrs, Chanforan and St BarthoLineageLIN000007Adam RamdinFeb 22nd, 20252025-02-224 listings
Luther: from His Birth to WittenbergLineageLIN000004Adam RamdinFeb 6th, 20252025-02-065 listings
Marie Durand, Methodism and World MissionsLineageLIN000009Adam RamdinFeb 20th, 20252025-02-204 listings
Prophets, Visions, Sabbath and PotatoesLineageLIN000011otherFeb 27th, 20252025-02-274 listings
Scandinavia, Scotland and the ScripturesLineageLIN000006Adam RamdinFeb 8th, 20252025-02-085 listings
Slavery, Education, Health, Publishing and EuropeLineageLIN000014otherMar 7th, 20252025-03-074 listings
The Birth of Work in the South and the Self SupporLineageLIN000018otherDec 18th, 20242024-12-183 listings
The Closing Chapters of Jesus LifeLineageLIN000030otherMar 12th, 20252025-03-123 listings
The Fires of Battle Creek, Oakwood, Loma Linda AndLineageLIN000019otherDec 22nd, 20242024-12-222 listings
The First Press, The Smith’S and the Great ControversyLineageLIN000013otherMar 6th, 20252025-03-064 listings
The Great Controversy Chapters 1 to 5LineageLIN000034Adam RamdinDec 26th, 20242024-12-262 listings
The Great Controversy Chapters 11 to 14LineageLIN000036Adam RamdinJan 2nd, 20252025-01-022 listings
The Great Controversy Chapters 15 to 18LineageLIN000037Adam RamdinJan 3rd, 20252025-01-032 listings
The Great Controversy Chapters 19 to 23LineageLIN000038Adam RamdinJan 9th, 20252025-01-091 listings
The Great Controversy Chapters 24 to 28LineageLIN000039Adam RamdinJan 10th, 20252025-01-102 listings
The Great Controversy Chapters 29 to 34LineageLIN000040Adam RamdinJan 16th, 20252025-01-162 listings
The Great Controversy Chapters 35 to 38LineageLIN000041Adam RamdinJan 17th, 20252025-01-172 listings
The Great Controversy Chapters 39 to 42LineageLIN000042Adam RamdinJan 23rd, 20252025-01-234 listings
The Great Controversy Chapters 6 to 10LineageLIN000035Adam RamdinDec 27th, 20242024-12-272 listings
The Mayflower, Great Awakening and Great DisappoinLineageLIN000010otherFeb 21st, 20252025-02-214 listings