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Speaker: Daniel PerrinListings
Shows: 83
TitleSeries#SpeakersLast ShownListings
3abn’s School of Discipleship (Sod)3ABN TodayTDY230083Ryan Day, Daniel Perrin, James Rafferty, Ian VandervalkFeb 21st, 20252025-02-213 listings
A City Called Confusion3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230021John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyJan 20th, 20252025-01-201 listings
Ablaze with God's Glory3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230025Ryan Day, John Lomacang, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyJan 24th, 20252025-01-241 listings
Answer The Call: Streams of Light Missionary Train3ABN TodayTDY240093Jay Gallimore, Johnny Henderson, Oleg Lotca, Daniel PerrinJan 4th, 20252025-01-044 listings
Behind The Scenes at 3ABN - September 20243ABN Today LIVETDYL240030Jason Bradley, Ricky Carter, John Dinzey, Dee Hilderbrand, Jill Morikone, Greg Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Kelly Peterson, Shelley Quinn, J.D. Quinn, Danny Shelton, Yvonne SheltonSep 24th, 20242024-09-242 listings
Blessed Are Those Who Believe3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240046Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyNov 16th, 20242024-11-1610 listings
Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240009John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 26th, 20252025-02-261 listings
Can We Extend Our Lifespan?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA240031Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, J.D. Quinn, Yvonne SheltonOct 7th, 20242024-10-074 listings
Christ-Shaped Lives and Spirit-Inspired Speech3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230033Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, James RaffertyFeb 5th, 20252025-02-051 listings
Covenantal Love3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP250002John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyJan 11th, 20252025-01-1110 listings
Epilogue: Knowing Jesus and His Word3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240052Ryan Day, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyDec 28th, 20242024-12-289 listings
Fear God and Give Glory to Him3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230016Ryan Day, John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel PerrinJan 13th, 20252025-01-131 listings
Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP250008John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, James RaffertyFeb 22nd, 20252025-02-2210 listings
Fulfilling Old Testament Prophecies3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240047Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, James RaffertyNov 23rd, 20242024-11-2310 listings
God Is Passionate and Compassionate3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP250004John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Kenney SheltonJan 25th, 20252025-01-2510 listings
God Loves Freely3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP250001John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyJan 4th, 20252025-01-049 listings
God's Grand, Christ-Centered Plan3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230027Ryan Day, John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley QuinnJan 28th, 20252025-01-281 listings
God’S Love of Justice3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP250006John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 8th, 20252025-02-0810 listings
Has The Law of God Been Abolished?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA240027Angela Lomacang, John Lomacang, Daniel Morikone, Daniel PerrinSep 2nd, 20242024-09-024 listings
Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230030John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyJan 31st, 20252025-01-311 listings
Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230035John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 7th, 20252025-02-071 listings
I Will Arise3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240006Ryan Day, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 21st, 20252025-02-211 listings
Is There A Biblical Explanation for Ufos?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA250001John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Ian VadervalkFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-034 listings
Jerusalem Controversies3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240035Jason Bradley, John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Daniel Perrin, Shelley QuinnAug 31st, 20242024-08-316 listings
Longing for God In Zion3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240011Jason Bradley, Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel PerrinFeb 28th, 20252025-02-281 listings
Lord of Creation3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230001Charlee, Dea, Docker, Eden, Elayne, Eliana, Elizabeth, Ezbon, Ezekiel, Josh, Jude, Kayla, Kenan, Khaleb, Maria Lee, Lydia, Nalani, Noa, Nolan, Nolan O., Daniel Perrin, Roselynn, Sammy, Alexia Sharon, Sophia, Darrell & Sasha Thomas, ZachariahJan 21st, 20252025-01-2146 listings
Lord of Humility3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230007Alexia, Brian, Charlee, Dea, Docker, Eden, Elayne, Eliana, Elizabeth, Ezekiel, Josh, Jude, Kayla, Kenan, Khaleb, Lydia, Maria, Nalani, Noa, Nolan, Daniel Perrin, Ricky, Roselynn, Sammy, Sophia, Darrell & Sasha Thomas, ZachariahMar 1st, 20252025-03-0145 listings
Minnesota Youth Rush3ABN TodayTDY240038Jason Bradley, Darrell Conway, Iosif Dubreuze, Daniel Perrin, Henry PetersonJan 23rd, 20252025-01-236 listings
More Testimonies About Jesus3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240045John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyNov 9th, 20242024-11-0910 listings
Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230036John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Daniel Perrin, James Rafferty, Yvonne SheltonFeb 10th, 20252025-02-101 listings
Satan's Final Deceptions3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230022John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyJan 21st, 20252025-01-211 listings
Self-Sacrificing LoveToday Family WorshipTDYFW240021Daniel Perrin, Kelly Peterson, Gary Peterson, Shelley Quinn, J.D. QuinnDec 13th, 20242024-12-132 listings
Signs of Divinity3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240041John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyOct 12th, 20242024-10-1210 listings
Signs That Point The Way3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240040Ryan Day, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyOct 5th, 20242024-10-058 listings
Singing The Lord's Song in a Strange Land3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240005Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 20th, 20252025-02-201 listings
Spiritual Warfare Part FourToday Family WorshipTDYFW240017Donald Owen, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, J.D. QuinnOct 18th, 20242024-10-182 listings
Taken and Tried3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240037Ryan Day, John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel PerrinSep 14th, 20242024-09-1410 listings
Teach Us to Pray3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240002Ryan Day, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 17th, 20252025-02-171 listings
The Backstory: The Prologue3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240042John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyOct 19th, 20242024-10-1910 listings
The Call to Stand3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230037John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, James RaffertyFeb 11th, 20252025-02-111 listings
The Cosmic Conflict3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP250009John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyMar 1st, 20252025-03-0110 listings
The Effects of Thanksgiving and PraiseToday Family WorshipTDYFW220035Curtis Badger, Dara Badger, CJ Lingle, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, J.D. QuinnNov 22nd, 20242024-11-221 listings
The Everlasting Gospel3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230015John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyJan 10th, 20252025-01-101 listings
The Father, The Son, and the Spirit3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240050Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyDec 14th, 20242024-12-1410 listings
The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240051John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyDec 21st, 20242024-12-2110 listings
The King of Heaven and Earth3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230016Angel, Brighton, Carson, Eden, Elayne, Eliana, Elizabeth, Ezekiel, Ezra, Ian, Josh, Jude, Kenan, Khaleb, Kianna, Maria, McKenzie, Nalani, Noa, Nolan, Daniel Perrin, Roselynn, Sammy, Alexia Sharon, Sophia, Darrell & Sasha Thomas, ZachariahJan 14th, 20252025-01-1446 listings
The Last Days3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240036Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertySep 7th, 20242024-09-0710 listings
The Lord Hears and Delivers3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240004Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley QuinnFeb 19th, 20252025-02-191 listings
The Lord of Blessings3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230013Allie, Brian, Cadance, Christiana, David, Dea, Dean, Docker, Elizabeth, Faith, Hadassah, Jaxson, Jon, Josh, Kaydin, Kayla, Kianna, Kyeli, Kyleigh, Madison, Maisey, Maksim, Pavel, Daniel Perrin, Raelei, Sammy, Sofia, Darrell & Sasha ThomasDec 24th, 20242024-12-2424 listings
The Lord of Love3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230011Allie, Alphonso, Brighton, Cadance, Christiana, David, Dea, Dean, Docker, Elizabeth, Esther, Faith, Hadassah, Hannah, Jaxson, Jon, Josh, Kaydin, Kayla, Kianna, Kyeli, Kyleigh, Leah, Lionel, Madison, Maisy, Daniel Perrin, Sammy, Sofia, Darrell & Sasha ThomasDec 10th, 20242024-12-1023 listings
The Lord of Promises3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230012Allie, Alphonso, Cadance, Christiana, David, Dean, Docker, Elizabeth, Esther, Faith, Hadassah, Hannah, Jaxson, Jon, Josh, Kaydin, Kayla, Kianna, Kyeli, Kyleigh, Leah, Lionel, Madison, Maisey, Daniel Perrin, Sammy, Sofia, Darrell & Sasha ThomasDec 17th, 20242024-12-1723 listings
The Lord of the Deep3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230003Abigail, Allie, Angel, Brighton, Cadance, Christiana, David, Dea, Elizabeth, Esther, Ezra, Faith, Hadassah, Iksha, Jaxson, Josh, Kaydin, Kayla, Kyeli, Kyleigh, Madison, Maisey, McKenzie, Nichu, Daniel Perrin, Raelei, Ricky, Sammy, Darrell & Sasha ThomasFeb 4th, 20252025-02-0446 listings
The Lord of the Mountains3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230009Abigail, Alexia, Brighton, Charlee, Dea, Eden, Elayne, Eliana, Elizabeth, Ezekiel, Ezra, Josh, Jude, Kenan, Khaleb, Kianna, Lydia, Maria, McKenzie, Nalani, Noa, Nolan, Daniel Perrin, Roselynn, Sammy, Sophia, Darrell & Sasha Thomas, ZachariahMar 1st, 20252025-03-0130 listings
The Lord of the Seas3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230005Allie, Angel, Brian, Cadance, Christiana, David, Elizabeth, Esther, Ezbon, Ezra, Faith, Hadassah, Jaxson, Josh, Josiah, Kaydin, Kyeli, Kyleigh, Leah, Lionel, Madison, McKenzie, Daniel Perrin, Sammy, Sofia, Darrell & Sasha ThomasFeb 18th, 20252025-02-1846 listings
The Lord Reigns3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240003John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 18th, 20252025-02-181 listings
The Master of the Chosen3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230010Abigail, Alexia, Alphonso, Brighton, Charlee, Eden, Elayne, Eliana, Elizabeth, Ezekiel, Ezra, Josh, Jude, Kenan, Khaleb, Kianna, Lydia, Maria, McKenzie, Nalani, Noa, Nolan, Daniel Perrin, Roselynn, Sammy, Sophia, Darrell & Sasha Thomas, ZachariahDec 3rd, 20242024-12-0323 listings
The Master of the Few3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230002Allie, Brighton, Charlee, Dea, Sammy DeGraff, Docker, Eden, Elayne, Eliana, Elizabeth, Ezbon, Ezekiel, Josh, Jude, Kayla, Kenan, Khaleb, Kianna, Maria Lee, Lydia, Nalani, Dean Nelson, Noa, Nolan, Daniel Perrin, Roselynn, Alexia Sharon, Sophia, Darrell & Sasha Thomas, ZachariahJan 28th, 20252025-01-2846 listings
The Master of the Multitudes3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230008Alexia, Brian, Brighton, Charlee, Docker, Eden, Elayne, Eliana, Elizabeth, Ezekiel, Josh, Jude, Kayla, Kenan, Khaleb, Lydia, Maria, Nalani, Noa, Nolan, Daniel Perrin, Roselynn, Sammy, Sophia, Darrell & Sasha Thomas, ZachariahFeb 27th, 20252025-02-2744 listings
The Master of the Ship3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230006Allie, Angel, Cadance, Christiana, David, Elizabeth, Esther, Ezbon, Ezra, Faith, Hadassah, Jaxson, Josh, Josiah, Kaydin, Kianna, Kyeli, Kyleigh, Leah, Lionel, Madison, McKenzie, Daniel Perrin, Ricky, Sammy, Sofia, Darrell & Sasha ThomasFeb 25th, 20252025-02-2546 listings
The Master of the Wind & Waves3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230004Abigail, Allie, Angel, Brian, Brighton, Cadance, Christiana, David, Elizabeth, Esther, Ezra, Faith, Hadassah, Iksha, Jaxson, Josh, Kaydin, Kayla, Kianna, Kyeli, Kyleigh, Madison, Maisey, McKenzie, Nichu, Daniel Perrin, Raelei, Ricky, Sammy, Darrell & Sasha ThomasFeb 11th, 20252025-02-1146 listings
The Master of Transformation3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230014Allie, Alphonso, Cadance, Christiana, David, Dea, Dean, Docker, Elizabeth, Faith, Hadassah, Jaxson, Jon, Josh, Kaydin, Kayla, Kyeli, Kyleigh, Madison, Maisey, Maksim, Pavel, Daniel Perrin, Raelei, Sammy, Sofia, Darrell & Sasha ThomasDec 31st, 20242024-12-3131 listings
The Mystery of the Gospel3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230031John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley QuinnFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-031 listings
The Power of the Exalted Jesus3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230028Ryan Day, John Lomacang, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyJan 29th, 20252025-01-291 listings
The Problem of Evil3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP250007John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 15th, 20252025-02-1510 listings
The Risen Lord3ABN HomecomingHC240010Ryan Day, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertySep 29th, 20242024-09-294 listings
The Savior of the World3ABN Kids Camp Bible GemsKCBG230015Alexia, Angel, Carson, Eden, Elayne, Eliana, Elizabeth, Ezekiel, Ezra, Ian, Josh, Jude, Kenan, Khaleb, Kianna, Maria, McKenzie, Nalani, Noa, Nolan, Daniel Perrin, Roselynn, Sammy, Sophia, Darrell & Sasha Thomas, ZachariahJan 7th, 20252025-01-0741 listings
The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast Part 1 of 23ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230023Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, James RaffertyJan 22nd, 20252025-01-221 listings
The Source of Life3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240048John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyNov 30th, 20242024-11-309 listings
The Way, The Truth, and the Life3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240049Ryan Day, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyDec 7th, 20242024-12-0710 listings
To Be Pleasing to God3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP250003John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyJan 18th, 20252025-01-1810 listings
Tried and Crucified3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240038Ryan Day, John Lomacang, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, James RaffertySep 21st, 20242024-09-2110 listings
Waging Peace3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230038John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 12th, 20252025-02-121 listings
What Does it REALLY mean to keep the Sabbath day holy?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA220022Jason Bradley, Ryan Day, John Lomacang, Daniel PerrinMar 1st, 20252025-03-011 listings
What Is Or Where Is Hell?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA240028Jason Bradley, John Lomacang, Daniel Perrin, James RaffertySep 16th, 20242024-09-164 listings
What Is The Nature of Satan?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA240017Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel PerrinOct 14th, 20242024-10-144 listings
What's The Difference Between Tempted and Tested?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA240040Angela Lomacang, John Lomacang, Daniel Perrin, Ian VandervalkJan 6th, 20252025-01-064 listings
Who Was God Talking to During Creation?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA240032Ricky Carter, Daniel Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley QuinnOct 21st, 20242024-10-214 listings
Why Does God Create A New Heaven?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA240043John Dinzey, Daniel Morikone, Daniel Perrin, J.D. QuinnJan 27th, 20252025-01-274 listings
Will Satan Be Destroyed?3ABN Today Bible Q&ATDYQA240038Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, J.D. Quinn, Ian VandervalkDec 23rd, 20242024-12-234 listings
Wisdom for Righteous Living3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240008Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 25th, 20252025-02-251 listings
Witnesses of Christ As The Messiah3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240043Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley QuinnOct 26th, 20242024-10-2610 listings
Worshiping The Creator3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP230019Ryan Day, John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, James RaffertyJan 16th, 20252025-01-161 listings
Your Mercy Reaches Unto The Heavens3ABN Sabbath School PanelSSP240007John Dinzey, Jill Morikone, Daniel Perrin, Shelley Quinn, James RaffertyFeb 24th, 20252025-02-241 listings