Seventh-day Adventist Satellite


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Shows: 106
TitleSeries#SpeakersLast ShownListings
666 : The Number of the BeastThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrDec 31st, 20242024-12-312 listings
A Blueprint of End-Time EventsStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrSep 5th, 20242024-09-052 listings
A Case Study: Mark 7: 1-13The Bible or TraditionStephen BohrSep 30th, 20242024-09-301 listings
All the Books of the Bible Meet and End in RevelationAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000028Stephen BohrNov 14th, 20242024-11-143 listings
Are You Persecutable ?The Secrets of PentecostStephen BohrDec 2nd, 20242024-12-022 listings
As a Thief in the NightStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrSep 19th, 20242024-09-192 listings
Babylon's Filthy FornicationThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrDec 10th, 20242024-12-102 listings
Carefully Consider the Literary StructureAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000023Stephen BohrNov 9th, 20242024-11-093 listings
Chain of CommandThe Secrets of PentecostStephen BohrNov 11th, 20242024-11-111 listings
Christ is the Center of Bible ProphecyAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000008Stephen BohrDec 28th, 20242024-12-285 listings
Daniel's Little BookAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000007Stephen BohrDec 14th, 20242024-12-144 listings
Death and Life in the SanctuaryHis Way Is in the SanctuaryStephen BohrJan 20th, 20252025-01-201 listings
Diamonds in the Rough3ABN On the RoadOTR001008Stephen BohrJan 26th, 20252025-01-262 listings
Earth's Two RepresentativesThe 24 EldersStephen BohrSep 12th, 20242024-09-122 listings
Future History and FunctionsThe 24 EldersStephen BohrSep 19th, 20242024-09-192 listings
God's Judgment ProcessThe Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrJan 22nd, 20252025-01-223 listings
God's Israel: Understood Globally and SpirituallyAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000016Stephen BohrFeb 22nd, 20252025-02-224 listings
God's Omiscient Sword3ABN On the RoadOTR001005Stephen BohrJan 23rd, 20252025-01-232 listings
Harbinger of the FutureStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrSep 3rd, 20242024-09-032 listings
How God Clears His Name from All False ChargesThe Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrJan 15th, 20252025-01-152 listings
How to Glorify GodThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrNov 26th, 20242024-11-264 listings
Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead ?Misunderstood Texts on the State of the DeadStephen BohrAug 29th, 20242024-08-292 listings
Israel and the 144,000Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000017Stephen BohrMar 1st, 20252025-03-014 listings
Israel and the Fig TreeAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000014Stephen BohrFeb 8th, 20252025-02-084 listings
It is FinishedAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000025Stephen BohrNov 11th, 20242024-11-113 listings
Jesus and Present TruthAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000010Stephen BohrJan 11th, 20252025-01-114 listings
Jesus and Theological ConflictThe Bible or TraditionStephen BohrOct 2nd, 20242024-10-021 listings
Learn How to Use the Writings of Ellen G. White, Part 1Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000029Stephen BohrNov 16th, 20242024-11-163 listings
Learn How to Use the Writings of Ellen G. White, Part 2Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000030Stephen BohrNov 17th, 20242024-11-173 listings
Lessons from a Forbidden TreeAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000021Stephen BohrNov 6th, 20242024-11-063 listings
Lessons from Two BuildersThe Bible or TraditionStephen BohrOct 28th, 20242024-10-282 listings
Living in ExpectancyStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrOct 1st, 20242024-10-012 listings
Living Without an IntercessorThe Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrOct 31st, 20242024-10-312 listings
Matthew 24 and the False ProphetStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrSep 12th, 20242024-09-121 listings
Matthew 24 and the False ProphetStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrSep 12th, 20242024-09-121 listings
Miniature SymbolizationAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000013Stephen BohrFeb 1st, 20252025-02-014 listings
Mission AccomplishedThe 24 EldersStephen BohrSep 3rd, 20242024-09-032 listings
Mystery : Babylon the GreatThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrDec 5th, 20242024-12-052 listings
Notes on DanielAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000004Stephen BohrNov 23rd, 20242024-11-234 listings
Open and Closed DoorsAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000026Stephen BohrNov 12th, 20242024-11-123 listings
Principles for the Study of Bible Prophecy, Part 1Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000001Stephen BohrNov 2nd, 20242024-11-024 listings
Principles for the Study of Bible Prophecy, Part 2Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000002Stephen BohrNov 9th, 20242024-11-094 listings
Principles for the Study of Bible Prophecy, Part 3Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000003Stephen BohrNov 16th, 20242024-11-164 listings
Redeemed from the Earth ?The 24 EldersStephen BohrSep 17th, 20242024-09-172 listings
Reflections on Daniel 11Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000011Stephen BohrJan 18th, 20252025-01-184 listings
Revelation's Land BeastThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrDec 24th, 20242024-12-245 listings
Revelation's Sea BeastThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrDec 17th, 20242024-12-173 listings
Sunday's Shaky FoundationThe Bible or TraditionStephen BohrOct 16th, 20242024-10-161 listings
Ten Facts About Revelation 14The Three Angels MessageStephen BohrNov 12th, 20242024-11-122 listings
The 144,000The Three Angels MessageStephen BohrMar 4th, 20252025-03-044 listings
The 2520 Non-ProphecyAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000018Stephen BohrMar 8th, 20252025-03-084 listings
The Acid TestThe Bible or TraditionStephen BohrOct 21st, 20242024-10-211 listings
The Arab-Israeli Confict in ProphecyAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000015Stephen BohrFeb 15th, 20252025-02-154 listings
The Beginning of WisdomThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrNov 19th, 20242024-11-191 listings
The Bible's Foundational ProphecyHis Way Is in the SanctuaryStephen BohrMar 3rd, 20252025-03-032 listings
The Binding and Burning of AzazelAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000024Stephen BohrNov 10th, 20242024-11-103 listings
The Budding Fig TreeStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrSep 24th, 20242024-09-242 listings
The Chronology of the JudgmentHis Way Is in the SanctuaryStephen BohrMar 5th, 20252025-03-051 listings
The Commandments of GodThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrFeb 11th, 20252025-02-116 listings
The Controversy EndedThe Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrJan 13th, 20252025-01-134 listings
The Eagle's OmenStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrAug 29th, 20242024-08-292 listings
The Eyes of WisdomThe Bible or TraditionStephen BohrSep 24th, 20242024-09-242 listings
The Faith of JesusThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrFeb 18th, 20252025-02-186 listings
The Faithful GenerationThe Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrJan 6th, 20252025-01-063 listings
The Final AbominationStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrSep 26th, 20242024-09-262 listings
The First FruitsThe Secrets of PentecostStephen BohrOct 30th, 20242024-10-301 listings
The Foundation of True WorshipThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrDec 3rd, 20242024-12-034 listings
The Great TribulationStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrSep 17th, 20242024-09-172 listings
The Hour of God's JudgmentThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrNov 26th, 20242024-11-261 listings
The Immaculate LambThe Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrJan 29th, 20252025-01-293 listings
The Importance of Literary Structure in the Study of Bible ProphecyAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000022Stephen BohrNov 7th, 20242024-11-073 listings
The Importance of the Historical Flow, Part 1Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000005Stephen BohrNov 30th, 20242024-11-304 listings
The Importance of the Historical Flow, Part 2Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000006Stephen BohrDec 7th, 20242024-12-074 listings
The Incarnation's Seven SecretsHis Way Is in the SanctuaryStephen BohrJan 27th, 20252025-01-271 listings
The Jewish View of TraditionThe Bible or TraditionStephen BohrSep 26th, 20242024-09-262 listings
The Lamb of God SlainHis Way Is in the SanctuaryStephen BohrFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-031 listings
The Letter and the SpiritAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000019Stephen BohrMar 15th, 20252025-03-154 listings
The Literary Structure of RevelationAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000027Stephen BohrNov 13th, 20242024-11-133 listings
The Lord Is Our RockThe Secrets of PentecostStephen BohrNov 6th, 20242024-11-062 listings
The Mark of the Beast, Pt. 1The Three Angels MessageStephen BohrDec 26th, 20242024-12-262 listings
The Mark of the Beast, Pt. 2The Three Angels MessageStephen BohrJan 7th, 20252025-01-072 listings
The Most Holy Place, Pt. 1The Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrOct 24th, 20242024-10-242 listings
The Most Holy Place, Pt. 2The Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrDec 30th, 20242024-12-304 listings
The Patience of the SaintsThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrJan 28th, 20252025-01-284 listings
The Remnant of Her SeedThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrFeb 25th, 20252025-02-254 listings
The Return of the EaglesStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrSep 10th, 20242024-09-102 listings
The Return of the War HeroThe 24 EldersStephen BohrSep 5th, 20242024-09-052 listings
The Return of the War HeroThe Secrets of PentecostStephen BohrDec 9th, 20242024-12-092 listings
The Roman Catholic View of Tradition, Pt. 1The Bible or TraditionStephen BohrOct 7th, 20242024-10-071 listings
The Roman Catholic View of Tradition, Pt. 2The Bible or TraditionStephen BohrOct 9th, 20242024-10-091 listings
The Sabbath and RedemptionAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000009Stephen BohrJan 4th, 20252025-01-044 listings
The Sanctuary Sequence in the Book of RevelationAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000020Stephen BohrNov 5th, 20242024-11-052 listings
The Sanctuary's Two CovenantsHis Way Is in the SanctuaryStephen BohrFeb 19th, 20252025-02-191 listings
The Slain LambThe Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrFeb 5th, 20252025-02-055 listings
The Smoke of Babylon's TormentThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrJan 21st, 20252025-01-214 listings
The Testimony of JesusThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrMar 11th, 20252025-03-114 listings
The Times of the GentilesStudies in Matthew 24Stephen BohrOct 8th, 20242024-10-083 listings
The Tongues of Men and AngelsThe Secrets of PentecostStephen BohrNov 20th, 20242024-11-201 listings
The Tongues of PentecostThe Secrets of PentecostStephen BohrNov 18th, 20242024-11-181 listings
The Triangle of SanctificationHis Way Is in the SanctuaryStephen BohrFeb 17th, 20252025-02-172 listings
The Wine of God's WrathThe Three Angels MessageStephen BohrJan 14th, 20252025-01-144 listings
Tongues in Historical PerspectiveThe Secrets of PentecostStephen BohrNov 13th, 20242024-11-131 listings
Twenty Reasons to Apply the Year / Day PrincipleAnchor School of Theology: Prophetic PrinciplesASTPP000012Stephen BohrJan 25th, 20252025-01-254 listings
We Have an AdvocateThe Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False ChargesStephen BohrDec 18th, 20242024-12-184 listings
What Is the Everlasting Gospel ?The Three Angels MessageStephen BohrNov 14th, 20242024-11-142 listings
Who Are the 24 Elders ?The 24 EldersStephen BohrSep 10th, 20242024-09-102 listings