Seventh-day Adventist Satellite

Series Shown on Amazing Discoveries

Shows from these series have been played at least one on Amazing Discoveries.

TitleShowsSpeakersLast Shown
Roots of Truth6Randy SkeeteFeb 19th, 20252025-02-19listings
A Closer Look7Randy SkeeteMar 11th, 20252025-03-11listings
A New Heart5Tim RiesenbergerMar 28th, 20252025-03-28listings
Acts 1015Kameron DeVasherNov 13th, 20242024-11-13listings
Awaken Faithfulness5Randy SkeeteDec 6th, 20242024-12-06listings
Battle for Eternity (Camp Meeting 2023)4Matthew SchancheSep 7th, 20242024-09-07listings
Battlefield Hollywood73Little Light Ministries, Little Light StudiosMar 27th, 20252025-03-27listingspurchase
Bible Answers1Walter VeithFeb 22nd, 20252025-02-22listings
Bible Study1Mackenzie DrebitNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Brain Power Series12Arnold NeuhoffNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffFeb 7th, 20252025-02-07listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffFeb 10th, 20252025-02-10listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffFeb 13th, 20252025-02-13listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffFeb 16th, 20252025-02-16listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffFeb 18th, 20252025-02-18listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffMar 5th, 20252025-03-05listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffMar 27th, 20252025-03-27listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 9th, 20242024-11-09listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 9th, 20242024-11-09listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 9th, 20242024-11-09listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 11th, 20242024-11-11listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 11th, 20242024-11-11listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 11th, 20242024-11-11listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 12th, 20242024-11-12listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 12th, 20242024-11-12listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 12th, 20242024-11-12listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 15th, 20242024-11-15listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 15th, 20242024-11-15listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 15th, 20242024-11-15listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffNov 22nd, 20242024-11-22listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffMar 29th, 20252025-03-29listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffMar 29th, 20252025-03-29listings
Brain Power Series1Arnold NeuhoffMar 30th, 20252025-03-30listings
Campmeeting 2022 Presentation8Walt Cross, Mackenzie Drebit, Robert BlaisMar 1st, 20252025-03-01listings
Clash of Minds9Walter VeithDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listings
Come Search With Me9Subodh PanditJan 16th, 20252025-01-16listings
Competitive Christianity2Wes PeppersOct 1st, 20242024-10-01listings
Complete Restoration9Dan WilsonMar 31st, 20252025-03-31listings
Conflict and Triumph57Walter VeithFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listings
Controller1Little Light StudiosSep 22nd, 20242024-09-22listings
Conviction Documentary Series1Walter VeithDec 31st, 20242024-12-31listings
Daniel Pel3Daniel PelNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Darkness Before Dawn5Walter VeithJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listings
Did Darwin Murder God?6Chad KreuzerFeb 18th, 20252025-02-18listings
Digging Up the Past29Francois du PlessisDec 31st, 20242024-12-31listingspurchase
Discover Total Health7Rob McClintockJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Documentary73other, Documentary, Robert GentryApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Echoes of the Past & Pictures of the Future14Daniel PelNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Enmity Documentary Series1Walter VeithDec 24th, 20242024-12-24listings
Faith Over Flesh2Scott RitsemaJan 2nd, 20252025-01-02listings
Feature Presentation (Viewer Discretion is Advised)2otherMar 30th, 20252025-03-30listings
Filled with the Spirit4Pavel GoiaOct 15th, 20242024-10-15listings
Finding the Fountain of Youth5Diane BurnettJan 8th, 20252025-01-08listings
Food for thought3Walter VeithJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listings
For Such a Time as This14Daniel PelMar 16th, 20252025-03-16listings
From Crete to Malta5Walter VeithJan 17th, 20252025-01-17listings
From Sickness to Health34Rico Hill, Barbara O'Neill, Thomas JacksonApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Genesis Conflict16Walter VeithOct 11th, 20242024-10-11listingsdetailspurchase
GMO Trilogy3otherSep 25th, 20242024-09-25listings
God's Answer to Modern Atheism5Wes PeppersDec 21st, 20242024-12-21listings
God's Healing Way to Mental and Spiritual Health19Dan GabbertDec 3rd, 20242024-12-03listings
Good News For Muslims16Steve Wohlberg, Shahbaz, Steve Wohlberg / ShahbazJan 10th, 20252025-01-10listings
Growing in Christ58Pavel GoiaDec 31st, 20242024-12-31listings
Have You Swallowed the Hook?6Thomas BentleyNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Have You Swallowed the Hook?1Thomas BentleyFeb 1st, 20252025-02-01listings
Have You Swallowed the Hook?1Thomas BentleyFeb 2nd, 20252025-02-02listings
Have You Swallowed the Hook?1Thomas BentleyFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listings
Have You Swallowed the Hook?1Thomas BentleyFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listings
Have You Swallowed the Hook?1Thomas BentleyFeb 5th, 20252025-02-05listings
Have You Swallowed the Hook?1Thomas BentleyFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listings
Healed by His Wounds50Francois du PlessisApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Healing Your Mind, Body & Spirit13Barbara O'NeillNov 19th, 20242024-11-19listings
Healthy Foundations & Natural Healing70Barbara O'NeillDec 31st, 20242024-12-31listings
Heart Transformation: Impacting the World (Camp Meeting 2023)2Scott MayerDec 26th, 20242024-12-26listings
Hidden Dangers in Kids' Meals4other, DocumentaryNov 24th, 20242024-11-24listings
History and Heroes (single sermon)1Diane BurnettNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
How To Country (Oxen Series)5Mackenzie Drebit, KevinDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listings
How to Think About Science2Thomas BentleyApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
In the Stream of Time8Walter VeithJan 12th, 20252025-01-12listings
Incarnation of Jesus4Francois du PlessisFeb 11th, 20252025-02-11listings
Interview6Walter & Sonica VeithJan 4th, 20252025-01-04listings
Jacob24Francois du PlessisMar 12th, 20252025-03-12listings
Judgment Day Bible Study13Mackenzie DrebitApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Keepers of the Flame8otherNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Lecture1Robert GentryNov 14th, 20242024-11-14listings
Lessons From A First World Mission Field1Tabea DrebitApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Life at its Best26Walter VeithOct 17th, 20242024-10-17listings
Life Science7ObomsawinDec 11th, 20242024-12-11listings
Lightning From Heaven5Kameron DeVasherNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Lightning From Heaven1Kameron DeVasherMar 17th, 20252025-03-17listings
Lightning From Heaven1Kameron DeVasherMar 18th, 20252025-03-18listings
Lightning From Heaven1Kameron DeVasherMar 19th, 20252025-03-19listings
Lightning From Heaven1Kameron DeVasherMar 20th, 20252025-03-20listings
Lightning From Heaven1Kameron DeVasherMar 21st, 20252025-03-21listings
Living His Life6Randy SkeeteJan 15th, 20252025-01-15listings
Martial Arts: The Dragon's Realm5Eric WilsonJan 16th, 20252025-01-16listings
Media on the Brain10Scott RitsemaApr 1st, 20252025-04-01listings
Media, Young people and the Country4Scott MayerNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Media, Young People And The Country (Campmeeting 2022)4Scott MayerJan 4th, 20252025-01-04listings
Meeting the Crisis in Peace (Survivor Series)8Dan GabbertJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Natural Home Remedies5Lana DrebitJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listings
Navigating the Narrow Path (Camp meeting 2023)5Mackenzie DrebitMar 24th, 20252025-03-24listings
Now Is The Time8Pavel GoiaFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listings
Old Mountain Remedies6Walt CrossMar 9th, 20252025-03-09listings
Omega - the Train of Deception Progresses26Rick HowardApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Parenting Hacks: Raising Happy and Healthy Children4Barbara O'NeillFeb 24th, 20252025-02-24listings
Personal Testimony2Wes PeppersFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listings
Practical Skills for Country Living60other, Bob Jorgensen, Lynn HoagMar 16th, 20252025-03-16listingsdetailspurchase
Preparation for the Crisis1Mackenzie DrebitNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Preparation for the Crisis1Mackenzie DrebitDec 26th, 20242024-12-26listings
Presentation1Eric WilsonNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Presentation in music2New Hearts 4 ChristMar 22nd, 20252025-03-22listings
Preventive Parenting5Ron MeinhardtMar 19th, 20252025-03-19listings
Prophecy Wire75Mackenzie DrebitMar 13th, 20252025-03-13listings
Prophetic Prototype: Lessons from the Life of John the Baptist1Eric WalshJan 16th, 20252025-01-16listings
Prophetic Prototype: Lessons from the Life of John the Baptist1Eric WalshJan 17th, 20252025-01-17listings
Prophetic Prototype: Lessons from the Life of John the Baptist1Eric WalshJan 18th, 20252025-01-18listings
Prophetic Prototype: Lessons from the Life of John the Baptist1Eric WalshJan 19th, 20252025-01-19listings
Prophetic Prototype: Lessons from the Life of John the Baptist1Eric WalshJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listings
Proven Principles for Good Health-singles6Diane BurnettFeb 25th, 20252025-02-25listings
Raising the Remnant8Scott RitsemaJan 9th, 20252025-01-09listings
Rekindling the Reformation22Walter VeithMar 22nd, 20252025-03-22listingsdetailspurchase
Roots of Truth5Randy SkeeteNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Sabbath School1Robert BlaisNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Scott Ritsema1Scott RitsemaNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Second Beast Rising4Scott RitsemaNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Second Beast Rising (Viewer Discretion Advised)35Scott RitsemaDec 12th, 20242024-12-12listings
Single Episode1Little Light StudiosNov 20th, 20242024-11-20listings
Single Sermon4Phodidas Ndamyumugabe, Henry StoberNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Single Sermons4Christopher HudsonNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Soap Making5Sonica VeithDec 12th, 20242024-12-12listings
Soquel Camp Meeting 20084Little Light StudiosNov 18th, 20242024-11-18listings
Spiritual Treasure Chest Series 110Bill GatesDec 16th, 20242024-12-16listings
Spiritual Treasure Chest Series 210Bill GatesFeb 18th, 20252025-02-18listings
Studies in Ministry3Kameron DeVasherJan 7th, 20252025-01-07listings
Survival Gardening (Campmeeting 2022)4Timon Spuller, Mackenzie DrebitDec 19th, 20242024-12-19listings
Testimony3Phodidas NdamyumugabeFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listings
That You May Know You Have Eternal Life13Chad KreuzerApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
The Consistency of God5Butch JensenMar 5th, 20252025-03-05listings
The Divine Prescription3Thomas JacksonFeb 27th, 20252025-02-27listings
the Exodus51Francois du PlessisJan 31st, 20252025-01-31listings
The Herb Cabinet30Walt CrossFeb 16th, 20252025-02-16listings
The Omega Rebellion3Rick HowardFeb 28th, 20252025-02-28listings
The Sanctuary, Surrender, and the Spirit in the Last Days3Wes PeppersMar 22nd, 20252025-03-22listings
The Seventh Day5LLT ProductionsSep 17th, 20242024-09-17listings
The Shaping Factor3Daniel PelJan 31st, 20252025-01-31listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 19th, 20252025-02-19listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 20th, 20252025-02-20listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 21st, 20252025-02-21listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 22nd, 20252025-02-22listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 23rd, 20252025-02-23listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 24th, 20252025-02-24listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 25th, 20252025-02-25listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 26th, 20252025-02-26listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 27th, 20252025-02-27listings
The Struggle is Real1Loammi RichardsonFeb 28th, 20252025-02-28listings
The Unhindered Gospel3Daniel PelFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listings
The Whole Truth4Walter VeithNov 16th, 20242024-11-16listings
Through Different Eyes59Dan GabbertFeb 17th, 20252025-02-17listings
TM Bytes1Mackenzie Drebit, Matt SchancheNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Total Onslaught36Walter VeithMar 11th, 20252025-03-11listingsdetailspurchase
Total Transformation18Walter VeithApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listingspurchase
Truth Matters Season 133Mackenzie Drebit, Matt Schanche, Walter VeithJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Truth Matters Season 234Mackenzie Drebit, Matt SchancheJan 12th, 20252025-01-12listings
Two Doctors` Testimonies4Dr. Coralia Jigau, Dr. Chris Jigau, Walter VeithJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listings
Ultimate Experience6Dan GabbertFeb 24th, 20252025-02-24listings
Understanding the Latter Rain1Dan GabbertOct 28th, 20242024-10-28listings
Understanding the Latter Rain1Dan GabbertOct 29th, 20242024-10-29listings
Understanding the Latter Rain1Dan GabbertOct 31st, 20242024-10-31listings
Understanding the Latter Rain1Dan GabbertOct 30th, 20242024-10-30listings
Understanding the Latter Rain1Dan GabbertOct 30th, 20242024-10-30listings
Understanding the Latter Rain1Dan GabbertOct 30th, 20242024-10-30listings
Understanding the Latter Rain1Dan GabbertNov 1st, 20242024-11-01listings
Understanding the Latter Rain1Dan GabbertNov 1st, 20242024-11-01listings
Understanding the Latter Rain1Dan GabbertNov 1st, 20242024-11-01listings
Undoctrinated4Scott RitsemaFeb 13th, 20252025-02-13listings
Unlocking Prophecy4Mackenzie DrebitNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Unlocking Prophecy (Campmeeting 2022)4Mackenzie DrebitDec 7th, 20242024-12-07listings
Vibrant Health - God’s Way (Camp Meeting 2023)4Barbara O’Neill, Barbara O'NeillFeb 20th, 20252025-02-20listings
Walter Veith and Francois Duplessis1Walter Veith, Francois du PlessisNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
What are We Doing with the Health Message?4Walt CrossJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listings
Workshop6Timon Spuller, Walt Cross, Mackenzie DrebitNov 30th, -00010000-00-00listings
Zechariah (In-depth Bible Study)4Walter VeithJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings