Seventh-day Adventist Satellite

Series Shown on 3ABN

Shows from these series have been played at least one on 3ABN.

TitleShowsSpeakersLast Shown
3ABN Australia Homecoming16Rosemary Malkiewycz, Pr Danny Milenkov John Malkiewyc, Pr Lorenzo Berry John MalkiewyczJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
3ABN Christmas Special38Tim Parton, Yvonne Shelton, Aunt FrancineDec 31st, 20242024-12-31listings
3ABN Homecoming102Jill Morikone, Danny Shelton, Greg MorikoneJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
3ABN Ignite3Pastor Dee CasperSep 7th, 20242024-09-07listings
3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz16Christian Martin, Adamar Neto, 2Jan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
3ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems16Darrell & Sasha Thomas, Daniel Perrin, JoshJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
3ABN Kids Camp Creation Crafts16Ryan & Suzi Hayes, Bryan, AddieJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
3ABN Kids Camp Fit Club26Sam Mills, Ramona, CarterJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun16Linda Johnson, Cinda Sanner, AddieJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along16Elizabeth, Tim Parton, JoshJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
3ABN Music Highlights15other, Vonda Beerman, Gene McDonaldJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
3ABN Sabbath School Panel134Jill Morikone, Shelley Quinn, Ryan DayJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
3ABN Today116Shelley Quinn, J.D. Quinn, Jason BradleyJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
3ABN Today Bible Q&A38John Dinzey, Shelley Quinn, John LomacangJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listings
3ABN Today LIVE36other, Greg Morikone, Jill MorikoneJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
3ABN Worship Hour177John Dinzey, Shelley Quinn, Kenny SheltonJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
A Day with the King26Daniel Vokurka, Dr John Hammond, Pr Braedan EntermannJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listings
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing16Blessings Winn, Pastor John Lomacang, Eric WalshJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Abundant Living51Curtis & Paula Eakins, Paula Eakins, Curtis EakinsJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Action 4 Life46Casio Jones, Mindy Isaacs, Nadine BrooksJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Adventist World Aviation5otherJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listings
Adventures In Missions161other, Julie KeymerJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Amazing Adventures20Pastor Doug Batchelor, otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor329other, Doug BatchelorJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listings
Amen Conference11otherNov 24th, 20242024-11-24listings
Anchor School of Theology: Prophetic Principles30Stephen BohrJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listings
Anchor Secrets Unsealed School of Theology: The End-Time Dimension of the Parables44other, Pastor Stephen BohrJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Anchor Secrets Unsealed School of Theology: The Great Prophecies of the Old Testament Part One7otherOct 26th, 20242024-10-26listings
ASAP Ministries8other, Julia O'Carey, Pr. Scott GriswoldJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listings
ASI Conventions12Andi Hunsaker, Debbie Young, Denzil McNeilusJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listings
Authentic429other, Shawn BoonstraJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listings
Awr360 Broadcast to Baptism23otherJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listings
Behold the Lamb Presents212other, Kenny Shelton, Chris SheltonJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Bible Answers Live248other, Jean Ross, Doug BatchelorJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listings
Bible Treasures28other, Rich Aguilera, Steven GarnicaJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Body and Spirit65Dick Nunez, Jonathan Hopkins, Brittany NunezJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Body and Spirit (new)34Lyndi Schwartz, Andi Hunsaker, Jeanie WeaverJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Body and Spirit Aerobics64Dick Nunez, Fred Garber, Brittany NunezJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Breath of Life113otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Celebrating Life in Recovery109Cheri Peters, Brad Peters, Jeremy & Heidi SummerlinJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Child Impact International19otherJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Contending for the Faith13Clifford GoldsteinJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listings
Cook 3042Jeremy DixonJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Country Wisdom42Janice Nelson, other, Jim & JaniceJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Creation Is! Science32Aunt Francine, other, Professor Ben RoyJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Daniel All Access11C.A. Murray, Pr. CA Murray, CA MurrayJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listings
Destination 10/407other, Aaron Rittenour, Lexi RittenourJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listings
Digging Deeper14John Dinzey, Ryan Johnson, Gordon FraserJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Digital Disconnect13Scott RitsemaJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Discover23David AsscherickJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listings
Divine Design13Patti BarnesJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Down to Earth11otherNov 11th, 20242024-11-11listings
Enjoy Healthy Eating11Teenie Finley, Rebecca Barnhurst, Claire BarnhurstJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Eternal Truths Matter6Mark FinleyJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listings
Evolution Impossible13Dr John Ashton, Dr Sven Östring, Jeandré RouxJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listings
Exalting His Word12Shelley QuinnJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
From Sickness to Health34Rico Hill, Barbara O'Neill, Thomas JacksonJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listings
Generation. Youth. Christ.31other, Gem Castor, Joshua AhnJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listings
Give Me the Bible60Kenneth Cox, other, Host: Mollie SteensonJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
God's Last Message to the World8Dr Allan LindsayJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
HeartLift21Jill MorikoneJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listings
House Calls22John Lomacang, John Stanton, James RaffertyJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
IIW Sabbath School25otherJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listings
Impact Hope13otherJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Imperative Life Lessons12Ryan JohnsonJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listings
Intimate Clarity23Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, Jason BradleyJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listings
It Is Written422other, Shawn BoonstraJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsdetails
It Is Written: Canada299otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
It's Coming15Pastor John LomacangJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Jesus 4 Asia Now23Natalie Wood, Jon Wood, Jonathan HillJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Jesus My Light29other, Aunt Francine, CarterJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Journeys274otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Kids Camp Critters & Creation16Elizabeth, Josh, Keith NelsonJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Kids Camp Ready, Set, X-Plore16Jason Bergmann, Amanda, RamonaJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Kids X-Press38Aunt Francine, Angelica, otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Laymen Ministries15Jeff Reich, otherJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listings
Life After Choice13Abby Duffy, Pastor Michael Smith, Antionette DuckJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listings
Lineage39other, Adam RamdinJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Live to Be Well49Dr. Kim Nowlin, Dr. Kim, Jason BradleyJan 26th, 20252025-01-26listings
Love Me133other, Lonnie Melashenko, Logan ParchamentoJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Made for Health25Rise Rafferty, otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Maranatha Mission Stories326other, Dick DuerksenJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsdetails
Maranatha Volunteer International Convention2otherOct 12th, 20242024-10-12listings
Mission 360325otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Mission Revival23otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Multitude of Counselors37Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, Paul Coneff, David GuerreroJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Off the Grid11otherDec 23rd, 20242024-12-23listings
Optimize 4 Life12Dick Nunez, Jay Sutliffe, Lisa NunezJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Pause to Pray25Tim Parton, Jill Morikone, Greg MorikoneJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Perfecting Me13Wintley Phipps, Adly Campos, Ruthie JacobsonJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Piano Praise13otherJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Pioneer Media53otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Praise19Kelly MowrerJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listings
Praise Him NOW21Ryan Day, Tim Parton, Josh SingletaryJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Prophecy Odyssey33other, Doug BatchelorOct 5th, 20242024-10-05listings
Prophecy Unsealed227other, Pastor Brian McMahon, Brian McMahonJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listings
Raw Questions Relevant Answers26Mark Paden, Dee Casper, Michelle DoucoumesJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listings
Rebuild13otherJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Recipes from Russia24Julia Outkina, Natalia Shmeleva, Anna RonzhinJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Revelation Insights!22Lyle Albrecht, other, Ps Lyle AlbrechtJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Revelation Now (new)24Jac ColonJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Revelation of Hope (Pacleb)20Pr. Taj Pacleb, Taj PaclebJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listings
Revelation of Jesus Christ28Kenneth CoxJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Revived by the Spirit7Mark FinleyJan 7th, 20252025-01-07listings
Salvation in Symbols and Signs111James Rafferty, Ivor Myers, Jason BradleyJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Sanctuary, Salvation, and Our Savior13other, Pastor David ShinJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Secrets from the Ancient Sanctuary3otherJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Special Feature6other, Fountainview Academy Orchestra, ChoirDec 25th, 20242024-12-25listings
Spotless17Shelley QuinnJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listings
Strategies for Strongholds24Michael Carducci, Pastor Ron Woolsey, Kezia ChisholmJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Summer Camp Meeting82Jill Morikone, Danny Shelton, Greg MorikoneJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Table Talk254other, David Asscherick, Ty GibsonJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Testimony Now1Paul HawksNov 22nd, 20242024-11-22listings
The Carter Report180other, John CarterJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
The Creation Case164other, Rich AguileraJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
The Creator Revealed13Shelley Quinn, Tim Standish, PhDJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
The Grace Pipeline9Shelley QuinnOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listings
The Heavens Declare22Jim BurrJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
The Incomparable Jesus22Jay GallimoreJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
The Incredible Journey290other, Gary KentJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
The Ultimate Encounter8John LomacangJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
Thompsonville Worship Hour21other, Pastor John Lomacang, John LomacangJan 26th, 20252025-01-26listings
Three Cosmic Messages: Earth's Final Conflict13Mark FinleyNov 24th, 20242024-11-24listings
Thunder in the Holy Land282other, Andrea Endries, Levi LongoriaJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listings
Tiny Tots for Jesus138Linda JohnsonJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listingsdetailspurchase
Tiny Tots Kitchen71Cinda Sanner, Carter, BenJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Tiny Tots Worship34Rich Aguilera, other, Irene BecerraJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Today Cooking22Idalia Dinzey, Angela Lomacang, Ivan RajJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Today Family Worship25Eric Durant, Chris Shelton, Kenny SheltonJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listings
Ultimate Prescription22James Marcum, Nick Evenson, otherJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listings
Unlocking Bible Prophecy15Cami Oetman, otherJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Unshackled Purpose23Lemuel Vega, Jason BradleyJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listings
When We Talk13Steven Conway, Tamara ConwayJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Your Favorites By Request29Tim Parton, other, Yvonne Lewis-SheltonJan 26th, 20252025-01-26listings