Seventh-day Adventist Satellite

Series Shown on Dare to Dream

Shows from these series have been played at least one on Dare to Dream.

TitleShowsSpeakersLast Shown
3ABN Christmas Special38Tim Parton, Yvonne Shelton, Aunt FrancineDec 31st, 20242024-12-31listings
3ABN Homecoming114Jill Morikone, Danny Shelton, Greg MorikoneApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
3ABN Sabbath School Panel188Jill Morikone, Shelley Quinn, Ryan DayApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
3ABN Today148Shelley Quinn, J.D. Quinn, John LomacangApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
3ABN Today LIVE55other, Greg Morikone, Jill MorikoneApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
3ABN Worship Hour213John Dinzey, Shelley Quinn, Kenny SheltonApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
A Father's Heart26Xavier Morales, Gordon Fraser, Denry WhiteMar 30th, 20252025-03-30listings
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing16Blessings Winn, Pastor John Lomacang, Eric WalshApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Abundant Living51Curtis & Paula Eakins, Paula Eakins, Curtis EakinsApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Action 4 Life46Casio Jones, Mindy Isaacs, Nadine BrooksApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Battles of Faith43Atonte Myers, Ivor Myers, Ivor & Atonte MyersApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Be Real. Be True. Be You.12Michael Carducci, Noa, MadisonApr 1st, 20252025-04-01listings
Behold the Lamb Presents220other, Kenny Shelton, Chris SheltonApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Breath of Life153otherApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Breath of Life "Walter Pearson"74Walter Pearson, WalterPearsonApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Celebrating Life in Recovery110Cheri Peters, Brad Peters, Jeremy & Heidi SummerlinApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Chew's Challenge28Chef Tim Lawson, Tina Chew, Chef G.W. ChewApr 1st, 20252025-04-01listings
Dare To Dream Creative Cooking35Nicole Braxton, The Holmes Sisters, Dr. Helen StoddartApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Digging Deeper14John Dinzey, Ryan Johnson, Gordon FraserApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Digital Disconnect13Scott RitsemaApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Divine Design13Patti BarnesApr 1st, 20252025-04-01listings
Dollars and Sense18Ryan Mack, Yvonne LewisApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Engage27Daniel McGrath, Jay Rosario, Nestor SorianoApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Families for Heaven7Alanzo & June SmithMar 28th, 20252025-03-28listings
For Guys Only.26William Lee, Brandon Dent, Colin KingApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Foundation of Our Faith37John Lomacang, John Dinzey, Jamie KowlessarMar 29th, 20252025-03-29listings
Free Indeed25Lemuel Vega, Lara Campbell, Tyrone NelsonApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
From Sickness to Health34Rico Hill, Barbara O'Neill, Thomas JacksonApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Imperative Life Lessons12Ryan JohnsonMar 31st, 20252025-03-31listings
Intimate Clarity23Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, Jason BradleyApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Issues and Answers (D2D)44Karen Thomas, Java Mattison, Richard ValenzuelaApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Life After Choice13Abby Duffy, Pastor Michael Smith, Antionette DuckApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Lineage41other, Adam RamdinApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Live to Be Well49Dr. Kim Nowlin, Dr. Kim, Jason BradleyApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Love Me135other, Lonnie Melashenko, Logan ParchamentoApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Made for Health26Rise Rafferty, otherApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Magnify Him47Yvonne Lewis, Duawne Starling, Lyndon CarrigerApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Multitude of Counselors37Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, Paul Coneff, David GuerreroApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
New Journey, The36Aaron Chancy, Annex Luberisse, Latoya HollomanApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Pathway of Hope12Abraham Jules, G. Earl KnightApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Pause to Pray33Tim Parton, Jill Morikone, Greg MorikoneApr 1st, 20252025-04-01listings
Perfecting Me13Wintley Phipps, Adly Campos, Ruthie JacobsonApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Pumped Up Parents10Andre & Karen Louis, Ian Thomas, Kennedi MeredithApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Pure Choices126Joshua Nelson, Xavier Morales, Brittany Hill-MoralesApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Raw Questions Relevant Answers26Mark Paden, Dee Casper, Michelle DoucoumesApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Remedy Roadmap12Raven White, Dr. Helen Stoddart, Eric WalshApr 1st, 20252025-04-01listings
Salvation in Symbols and Signs111James Rafferty, Ivor Myers, Jason BradleyApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Special Feature6other, Fountainview Academy Orchestra, ChoirDec 25th, 20242024-12-25listings
Strategies for Strongholds24Michael Carducci, Pastor Ron Woolsey, Kezia ChisholmApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Table Talk339other, David Asscherick, Ty GibsonApr 9th, 20252025-04-09listings
Take it to the Bank45Cordell ThomasApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Taste of Paradise99Evita Tezeno, Nyse Collins, Brenda KempApr 1st, 20252025-04-01listings
The Missing Peace13Jason Bradley, Dr Nadine Joseph-Collins, Dr. Nadine Joseph-CollinsMar 29th, 20252025-03-29listings
The Missing Peace.14Dr. Nadine CollinsApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
The Ultimate Encounter8John LomacangApr 1st, 20252025-04-01listings
True Knowledge of Self49Dwayne Lemon, Lance Wilbur, Lance WilbutMar 30th, 20252025-03-30listings
Unshackled Purpose26Lemuel Vega, Jason BradleyApr 1st, 20252025-04-01listings
Urban Report141Yvonne Lewis, Jason Bradley, Yvonne SheltonApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings
Urban Report Long3Jason Bradley, Pr. Moses Brown, Lemuel VegaFeb 22nd, 20252025-02-22listings
When We Talk13Steven Conway, Tamara ConwayApr 2nd, 20252025-04-02listings
Working The Dream10Eric KellyApr 3rd, 20252025-04-03listings