Seventh-day Adventist Satellite

Series Shown on Amazing Facts

Shows from these series have been played at least one on Amazing Facts.

TitleShowsSpeakersLast Shown
Agents of Satan4Steve WohlbergOct 5th, 20242024-10-05listings
Amazing Disciples11Carissa McSherry, Chuck Holtry, Pastor Doug BatchelorJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listings
Amazing Facts Around the World9Pastor Doug BatchelorJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listings
Amazing Facts Documentaries4Pastor Doug Batchelor, OtherDec 15th, 20242024-12-15listings
Anchors of Truth94Host: C.A. Murray, Host: John Lomacang, John LomacangJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Answers in Prophecy8John BradshawDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listings
ARME Bible Camp1Doug BatchelorAug 31st, 20242024-08-31listings
Authentic #53Shawn BoonstraSep 12th, 20242024-09-12listings
Authentic #63Shawn BoonstraJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Authentic #814Shawn BoonstraDec 30th, 20242024-12-30listings
Called, Chosen, Faithful4Taj PaclebNov 9th, 20242024-11-09listings
Central Study Hour - 222VariousJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Christmas Concert1VariousDec 26th, 20242024-12-26listings
Christmas Concert 20111VariousDec 25th, 20242024-12-25listings
Christmas Concert 20121VariousDec 25th, 20242024-12-25listings
Christmas Concert 20211FountainviewDec 25th, 20242024-12-25listings
Church Sermons12VariousJan 19th, 20252025-01-19listings
Church Service LIVE1VariousJan 18th, 20252025-01-18listings
Country Wisdom42Janice Nelson, other, Jim & JaniceJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Doctrines That Divide2Pastor Doug BatchelorAug 30th, 20242024-08-30listings
Finding Hope in Depression and Despair3Steve WohlbergOct 28th, 20242024-10-28listings
Foundations of Faith9Pastor Doug BatchelorDec 30th, 20242024-12-30listings
Go Tell it on the Mountain1FountainviewDec 21st, 20242024-12-21listings
God So Loved the World, Fall1FountainviewDec 8th, 20242024-12-08listings
God So Loved the World, Winter1FountainviewDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listings
Healing Insights from the Gospel of Mark4David DeRoseSep 24th, 20242024-09-24listings
Help in Daily Living6FountainviewOct 12th, 20242024-10-12listings
Here We Stand8Pastor Doug BatchelorJan 15th, 20252025-01-15listings
Heroes Of Faith10Pastor Doug BatchelorNov 19th, 20242024-11-19listings
His Way Is in the Sanctuary1Stephen BohrJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listings
Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories10Pastor Doug BatchelorOct 11th, 20242024-10-11listings
It Is Written 25John BradshawNov 2nd, 20242024-11-02listings
It Is Written 331John BradshawJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listings
It Is Written 49John BradshawJan 17th, 20252025-01-17listings
It Is Written Sabbath School - 222Eric FlickingerJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listings
Joe Crews Video Sermons21Joe CrewsJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listings
Joy to the World1FountainviewDec 28th, 20242024-12-28listings
Landmarks of Prophecy19Pastor Doug BatchelorNov 13th, 20242024-11-13listings
Lineage Journey, Season 17Adam RamdinJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Lineage Journey, Season 49Adam RamdinDec 23rd, 20242024-12-23listings
LIVE Bible Answers Live1Doug Batchelor, Jëan RossJan 19th, 20252025-01-19listings
Media on the Brain10Scott RitsemaNov 8th, 20242024-11-08listings
Ministry Projects3Pastor Doug BatchelorDec 20th, 20242024-12-20listings
Misunderstood Texts on the State of the Dead1Stephen BohrAug 29th, 20242024-08-29listings
Most Amazing Prophecies1Pastor Doug BatchelorAug 28th, 20242024-08-28listings
O Come All Ye Faithful1FountainviewDec 26th, 20242024-12-26listings
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message86Pastor Doug BatchelorJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Prophecy Code11Pastor Doug BatchelorJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsdetailspurchase
Prophecy Encounter10Pastor Doug BatchelorOct 31st, 20242024-10-31listings
Prophecy Unsealed227other, Pastor Brian McMahon, Brian McMahonJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listings
Raising the Remnant8Scott RitsemaJan 9th, 20252025-01-09listings
Receiving the Word1VariousAug 31st, 20242024-08-31listings
Receiving the Word1VariousSep 7th, 20242024-09-07listings
Receiving the Word1VariousSep 14th, 20242024-09-14listings
Receiving the Word1VariousSep 21st, 20242024-09-21listings
Receiving the Word1VariousSep 29th, 20242024-09-29listings
Receiving the Word1VariousOct 6th, 20242024-10-06listings
Receiving the Word1VariousOct 12th, 20242024-10-12listings
Receiving the Word1VariousOct 20th, 20242024-10-20listings
Receiving the Word1VariousOct 26th, 20242024-10-26listings
Receiving the Word1VariousDec 9th, 20242024-12-09listings
Receiving the Word1VariousOct 28th, 20242024-10-28listings
Receiving the Word1VariousNov 3rd, 20242024-11-03listings
Receiving the Word1VariousNov 10th, 20242024-11-10listings
Receiving the Word1VariousNov 17th, 20242024-11-17listings
Receiving the Word1VariousNov 23rd, 20242024-11-23listings
Receiving the Word1VariousDec 1st, 20242024-12-01listings
Receiving the Word1VariousDec 15th, 20242024-12-15listings
Receiving the Word1VariousDec 22nd, 20242024-12-22listings
Receiving the Word1VariousDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listings
Receiving the Word1VariousJan 5th, 20252025-01-05listings
Receiving the Word1VariousJan 12th, 20252025-01-12listings
Receiving the Word1VariousJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
RERUN Bible Answers Live1Doug Batchelor, Jëan RossJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Revelation of Hope Bible Prophecy Seminar8Taj PaclebJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listings
Revelation Today - Hope Awakens9John BradshawJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Revelation Today - The Mysteries Revealed17John BradshawDec 18th, 20242024-12-18listings
Schooled2Scott RitsemaDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listings
Scripture Mysteries2Chad KreuzerSep 7th, 20242024-09-07listings
Special Presentation1TBADec 29th, 20242024-12-29listings
Special Presentations8David DeRoseJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Starting with Jesus110other, VariousJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listings
Starting With Jesus 20248VariousDec 30th, 20242024-12-30listings
Steps to Christ49Diverse Panel, FountainviewJan 19th, 20252025-01-19listings
Studies in Matthew 2412Stephen BohrOct 8th, 20242024-10-08listings
Take Charge of Your Health7John BradshawJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listings
The 24 Elders6Stephen BohrSep 19th, 20242024-09-19listings
The Bible or Tradition9Stephen BohrOct 28th, 20242024-10-28listings
The Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False Charges10Stephen BohrJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listings
The Incredible Journey, Season 32Gary KentDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listings
The Incredible Journey, Season 524Gary KentJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
The Last Day of Prophecy6Pastor Doug BatchelorSep 26th, 20242024-09-26listings
The Media Mind - Reclaiming the Human Soul in the Digital Dark Age8Scott RitsemaJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listings
The New Heart8Pastor Doug BatchelorJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listings
The Secrets of Pentecost8Stephen BohrDec 9th, 20242024-12-09listings
The Seven Deadly Myths in Christianity7Scott RitsemaOct 11th, 20242024-10-11listings
The Shepherd King12Pastor Doug BatchelorJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
The Three Angels Message16Stephen BohrJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listings
Time is Ticking Away18Pastor Doug BatchelorJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingspurchase
Time of the End20Kenneth CoxJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listings
Trials to Triumph5Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe, Various, Pastor Aron CrewsSep 29th, 20242024-09-29listings
Undaunted Courage7Adam Ramdin, Dean Cullinane, David ShinJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listings
Various50Steve Wohlberg, Mark FinleyJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listings