Seventh-day Adventist Satellite

Speakers Aired on 3ABN Proclaim!

NameShowsSeriesLast Shown
Jill Morikone introduce the 3ABN13ABN HomecomingDec 22nd, 20242024-12-22listingsshows
Thompsonville Seventh-day Advent1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
Thompsonville Seventh-day Advent1Summer Camp MeetingNov 29th, 20242024-11-29listingsshows
Lyle Albrecht19Revelation Insights!Feb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshowsdetails
Ps Lyle Albrecht1Revelation Insights!Jan 26th, 20252025-01-26listingsshows
Creig Allen1Free IndeedJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listingsshows
Joe Asher1Free IndeedJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
David Asscherick112Discover, Eleventh Hour Evidence, 3ABN On the Road, Anchors of Truth, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshowsdetails
Tammy Atwood1Free IndeedFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Jim Ayer15Remodeling Your Life, 3ABN On the RoadFeb 7th, 20252025-02-07listingsshows
Mitch Barfield1Free IndeedJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listingsshows
Doug Batchelor41Prophecy Odyssey, 3ABN On the Road, RERUN Bible Answers Live, LIVE Bible Answers Live, etcFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshowsdetails
J'arius Beck1Free IndeedJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
Jason Bergmann19Kids Camp Ready, Set, X-Plore, 3ABN Today, 3ABN HomecomingFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Francine Bergmann43ABN Homecoming, 3ABN Today, 3ABN Christmas SpecialJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listingsshows
Steve Bewley1Free IndeedFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
& Heidi Bishop4White Horse MediaDec 17th, 20242024-12-17listingsshows
Billy Blackwood2Summer Camp Meeting, Your Favorites By RequestFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
Stephen Bohr98The Three Angels Message, Studies in Matthew 24, The Great Cosmic Controversy - How God Clears His Name of False Charges, The Bible or Tradition, etcFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshowsdetails
Pastor Stephen Bohr5Anchor Secrets Unsealed School of Theology: The End-Time Dimension of the ParablesDec 21st, 20242024-12-21listingsshows
Samuel V. Bonello13ABN On the RoadNov 27th, 20242024-11-27listingsshows
Shirwanda Boone1Free IndeedJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Shawn Boonstra54Authentic, It Is Written, Revelation Speaks Peace, Authentic #6, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshowsdetails
Vince Boyd1Free IndeedJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listingsshows
the Image of the Beast Jason Bra1Summer Camp MeetingDec 1st, 20242024-12-01listingsshows
Jason Bradley261Urban Report, Unshackled Purpose, Intimate Clarity, 3ABN Today, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
John Dinzey Jason Bradley43ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Shelley Quinn Jason Bradley2Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingJan 1st, 20252025-01-01listingsshows
Kenny Shelton Jason Bradley13ABN HomecomingDec 3rd, 20242024-12-03listingsshows
James Rafferty Jason Bradley2Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingDec 16th, 20242024-12-16listingsshows
David Shin Jason Bradley1Summer Camp MeetingNov 2nd, 20242024-11-02listingsshows
Ryan Day Jason Bradley13ABN HomecomingFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listingsshows
John Bradshaw106Revelation Today - The Mysteries Revealed, Revelation Today - Hope Awakens, It Is Written 4, Answers in Prophecy, etcFeb 2nd, 20252025-02-02listingsshows
Pastor Balvin Braham13ABN Worship HourOct 16th, 20242024-10-16listingsshows
Monique Brown3Taste of Paradise, 3ABN On the RoadFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshows
William Bumphus1Free IndeedFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Dexter Burns1Free IndeedJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Charles Byrd9Thunder in the Holy Land, 3ABN TodayFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listingsshows
Lara Campbell2Free IndeedFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshows
Kevin Carey1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
John Carter31The Carter Report, 3ABN HomecomingFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshowsdetails
Jason Bergmann - 3ABN CFO/Treasu1Summer Camp MeetingNov 4th, 20242024-11-04listingsshows
Tammy Chance1Summer Camp MeetingDec 28th, 20242024-12-28listingsshows
Bryant Clark1Free IndeedJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listingsshows
David Clydesdale23ABN Homecoming, 3ABN TodayJan 5th, 20252025-01-05listingsshows
Andrew Cole1Free IndeedJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listingsshows
Brian Collier1Free IndeedFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Stan Collins23ABN HomecomingFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Jac Colon24Revelation Now (new)Feb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshowsdetails
Kenneth Cox92Revelation of Jesus Christ, Time of the End, Anchors of Truth, Celebrating Life in Recovery, etcFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshowsdetails
Fred Dana13ABN On the RoadDec 27th, 20242024-12-27listingsshows
Yvonne Lewis-Shelton - 3ABN Dare1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
Shalom David1Thunder in the Holy LandJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Ryan Day2053ABN Worship Hour, Praise Him NOW, 3ABN Today Bible Q&A, 3ABN Today, etcFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
John Lomacang Ryan Day2Summer Camp MeetingJan 4th, 20252025-01-04listingsshows
Shelley Quinn Ryan Day33ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listingsshows
Pastor Ryan Day13ABN HomecomingJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listingsshows
Shelley Quinn - 3ABN Program Dev1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
Kameron DeVasher47Lightning From Heaven, Acts 101, Anchors of Truth, Studies in Ministry, etcJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Celestine Dickens6Praise Him NOW, 3ABN Christmas Special, 3ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingJan 8th, 20252025-01-08listingsshows
John Dinzey1823ABN Today Bible Q&A, 3ABN Worship Hour, Foundation of Our Faith, Digging Deeper, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Ryan Day John Dinzey33ABN HomecomingFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listingsshows
Shelley Quinn John Dinzey1Summer Camp MeetingDec 24th, 20242024-12-24listingsshows
Jay Gallimore John Dinzey2Summer Camp MeetingJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
John Carter John Dinzey13ABN HomecomingSep 17th, 20242024-09-17listingsshows
Chris Hudson John Dinzey1Summer Camp MeetingFeb 2nd, 20252025-02-02listingsshows
John Lomacang John Dinzey13ABN HomecomingDec 9th, 20242024-12-09listingsshows
C.A. Murray John Dinzey1Summer Camp MeetingNov 6th, 20242024-11-06listingsshows
Pastor John Dinzey13ABN Worship HourNov 11th, 20242024-11-11listingsshows
Host: John Dinzey1Anchors of TruthNov 16th, 20242024-11-16listingsshows
Bruce Fjarli - 3ABN Board of Dir1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
Bruce Fjarli - 3ABN Board of Dir1Summer Camp MeetingNov 4th, 20242024-11-04listingsshows
Pr. James Doggette1Anchors of TruthOct 9th, 20242024-10-09listingsshows
Ruben Dorsey1Free IndeedJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Charles W. Drake33ABN On the RoadDec 24th, 20242024-12-24listingsshows
Dustin Duff1Free IndeedJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listingsshows
Brian Eldridge1Free IndeedFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listingsshows
Andrea Endries25Thunder in the Holy LandFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Timothy Englert1Free IndeedJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
Dwain Esmond13ABN Worship HourAug 28th, 20242024-08-28listingsshows
Mark Finley61Three Cosmic Messages: Earth's Final Conflict, Revived by the Spirit, Eternal Truths Matter, 3ABN On the Road, etcFeb 7th, 20252025-02-07listingsshowsdetails
Mulissa Sue Fioster1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
Melody Firestone133ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN Christmas SpecialFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
Jacki Fjarli2Summer Camp MeetingNov 4th, 20242024-11-04listingsshows
Marleta Fong13ABN On the RoadOct 13th, 20242024-10-13listingsshows
Wintley Phipps Founder1Summer Camp MeetingNov 26th, 20242024-11-26listingsshows
Danny Shelton - 3ABN Founder/Pre1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
Stephen Fowler20Thunder in the Holy LandFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Sidney Fox1Free IndeedJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
Jay Gallimore25The Incomparable Jesus, 3ABN On the Road, 3ABN TodayFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Pr. Jay Gallimore13ABN On the RoadJan 8th, 20252025-01-08listingsshows
John Dinzey - 3ABN Latino Genera1Summer Camp MeetingNov 4th, 20242024-11-04listingsshows
Ty Gibson73Table Talk, Anchors of Truth, 3ABN On the RoadFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshowsdetails
Ty Gibson Ty Gibson43ABN HomecomingNov 25th, 20242024-11-25listingsshows
Jim Gilley23ABN On the Road, Anchors of TruthFeb 2nd, 20252025-02-02listingsshows
Host: Jim Gilley4Give Me the Bible, Anchors of TruthJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listingsshows
Host: C.A. Murray & Jim Gilley1Anchors of TruthOct 26th, 20242024-10-26listingsshows
Pastor John Carter Jim Gilley1Anchors of TruthJan 31st, 20252025-01-31listingsshows
Frank Gonzalez1Anchors of TruthNov 6th, 20242024-11-06listingsshows
Calby Gray1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
Shandra Gray1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
Jay Christian Greg13ABN HomecomingDec 15th, 20242024-12-15listingsshows
Hosts Greg13ABN HomecomingDec 22nd, 20242024-12-22listingsshows
Danny Shelton Greg13ABN HomecomingJan 12th, 20252025-01-12listingsshows
John Hairston1Free IndeedJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listingsshows
Robert Hairston1Free IndeedJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listingsshows
Susan Hairston1Free IndeedJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listingsshows
Steve Haley1Thunder in the Holy LandJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listingsshows
Ron Halvorsen4Anchors of TruthSep 5th, 20242024-09-05listingsshows
Host: Brian Hamilton5Anchors of TruthJan 10th, 20252025-01-10listingsshows
Tom Hanlon1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
Thomas Harmon1Free IndeedFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listingsshows
Rick Hayes1Free IndeedJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
Joel Haywood9White Horse MediaFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Rob Hicks1Free IndeedJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listingsshows
Kenneth Hopkins1Free IndeedJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
Mark Howard33ABN On the RoadNov 30th, 20242024-11-30listingsshows
Tom Hunt4White Horse MediaDec 17th, 20242024-12-17listingsshows
Nancy Hunt4White Horse MediaDec 17th, 20242024-12-17listingsshows
III33ABN On the RoadDec 24th, 20242024-12-24listingsshows
Sherwin Jack33ABN On the RoadOct 16th, 20242024-10-16listingsshows
Samuel Lee Jackson1Free IndeedJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listingsshows
Tammy Chance Melody Firestone Jo1Summer Camp MeetingJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listingsshows
Donna Johnson1Free IndeedFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshows
Don Johnson2The Carter ReportFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Michelle Jones2Free IndeedJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Courtney Jones1Free IndeedJan 29th, 20252025-01-29listingsshows
Michael Jordan1Free IndeedFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshows
Orion Ka23ABN On the RoadFeb 7th, 20252025-02-07listingsshows
Jamie & Kerrie13ABN On the RoadJan 31st, 20252025-01-31listingsshows
Alvin Kibble3Anchors of TruthNov 14th, 20242024-11-14listingsshows
Kids13ABN HomecomingDec 15th, 20242024-12-15listingsshows
Scott Kiley1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
Kim1Free IndeedFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Justin Kim13ABN On the RoadJan 10th, 20252025-01-10listingsshows
Kim Kjaer6White Horse Media, 3ABN TodayDec 4th, 20242024-12-04listingsshows
Rob Knott24White Horse MediaFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Traci Knott1White Horse MediaJan 15th, 20252025-01-15listingsshows
Kris1Summer Camp MeetingFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
Daniel Kurek13ABN On the RoadDec 10th, 20242024-12-10listingsshows
Yvonne Lewis165Magnify Him, Urban Report, Dollars and Sense, From Sickness to Health, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
James Rafferty Yvonne Lewis-Shel1Summer Camp MeetingOct 24th, 20242024-10-24listingsshows
Yvonne Lewis-Shelton30Your Favorites By Request, Urban Report, 3ABN Sabbath School Panel, Summer Camp Meeting, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Kelly Linder23ABN On the RoadDec 2nd, 20242024-12-02listingsshows
Desmond Loftis1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
John Lomacang269House Calls, 3ABN Worship Hour, 3ABN Today Bible Q&A, Foundation of Our Faith, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshowsdetails
Pastor John Lomacang273ABN Worship Hour, Thompsonville Worship Hour, A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, 3ABN Homecoming, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Host: John Lomacang23Anchors of TruthJan 15th, 20252025-01-15listingsshows
SHELLEY QUINN John Lomacang43ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshows
KAMERON DEVASHER John Lomacang2Summer Camp MeetingJan 2nd, 20252025-01-02listingsshows
Ryan Day John Lomacang2Summer Camp MeetingJan 1st, 20252025-01-01listingsshows
Jill Morikone John Lomacang1Summer Camp MeetingDec 30th, 20242024-12-30listingsshows
CA Murray John Lomacang1Summer Camp MeetingJan 26th, 20252025-01-26listingsshows
Cami Oetman John Lomacang1Summer Camp MeetingFeb 1st, 20252025-02-01listingsshows
Doug Batchelor John Lomacang13ABN HomecomingDec 1st, 20242024-12-01listingsshows
Ivor Myers John Lomacang13ABN HomecomingOct 15th, 20242024-10-15listingsshows
John Lomacang John Lomacang13ABN HomecomingNov 18th, 20242024-11-18listingsshows
James Rafferty John Lomacang13ABN HomecomingJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listingsshows
John Lomcang33ABN Sabbath School Panel, Your Favorites By RequestJan 12th, 20252025-01-12listingsshows
Levi Longoria25Thunder in the Holy LandFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Reggie & Ladye Love33ABN HomecomingJan 19th, 20252025-01-19listingsshows
Reggie & Ladye Love Smith Gene M1Summer Camp MeetingJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listingsshows
Rodney MacCullum13ABN On the RoadJan 8th, 20252025-01-08listingsshows
David Machado8White Horse Media, Today Family Worship, ASI Conventions, Urban ReportJan 17th, 20252025-01-17listingsshows
Sargeant Vivian Malone1Free IndeedFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Christy Mann1Free IndeedJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Gene McDonald113ABN Christmas Special, 3ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN Music HighlightsFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
David McEwen1Free IndeedJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listingsshows
Clifford McGee1Free IndeedFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Pastor Brian McMahon23Prophecy UnsealedFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Lonnie Melashenko69Love Me, Voice of Prophecy Speaks, Documentary, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshowsdetails
Brian Hamilton - 3ABN Board Memb1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
Carmelita Troy - 3ABN Board Memb1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
Patricia Merilan1Free IndeedJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Thomas Meyer1Free IndeedJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listingsshows
Kenny Shelton Behold the Lamb Mi1Summer Camp MeetingNov 30th, 20242024-11-30listingsshows
Pr. Ken Micheff13ABN On the RoadJan 8th, 20252025-01-08listingsshows
Ivor Myers Power of the Lamb Min1Summer Camp MeetingDec 1st, 20242024-12-01listingsshows
Steven Mirkovich33ABN On the RoadDec 5th, 20242024-12-05listingsshows
Tony Moore24In The Footsteps of Paul, 3ABN On the RoadFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Scott Moore73ABN On the RoadDec 19th, 20242024-12-19listingsshows
Brittany Morgan1Free IndeedJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Jason Morgan1Amazing Prophecies (J.M.)Jan 18th, 20252025-01-18listingsshows
Jill Morikone228HeartLift, 3ABN Worship Hour, 3ABN Homecoming, 3ABN Today, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Greg Morikone53Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN Today, 3ABN Today LIVE, Body and Spirit, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
David Shin Greg Morikone3Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingFeb 7th, 20252025-02-07listingsshows
Jill Morikone Greg Morikone83ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
John Lomacang Greg Morikone23ABN HomecomingJan 13th, 20252025-01-13listingsshows
Danny Shelton Greg Morikone4Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
James Rafferty Greg Morikone2Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingDec 20th, 20242024-12-20listingsshows
Pastor David Shin Jill Morikone1Summer Camp MeetingDec 26th, 20242024-12-26listingsshows
Kenny Shelton Greg Morikone13ABN HomecomingOct 7th, 20242024-10-07listingsshows
Shelley Quinn Jill Morikone13ABN HomecomingOct 8th, 20242024-10-08listingsshows
Doug Batchelor Jill Morikone13ABN HomecomingDec 10th, 20242024-12-10listingsshows
John Bradshaw Jill Morikone1Summer Camp MeetingOct 25th, 20242024-10-25listingsshows
Ryan Day Greg Morikone1Summer Camp MeetingNov 1st, 20242024-11-01listingsshows
John Lomacang Jill Morikone2Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
Greg & Jill Morikone33ABN Homecoming, Anchors of TruthJan 19th, 20252025-01-19listingsshows
Host: Greg & Jill Morikone8Anchors of TruthJan 9th, 20252025-01-09listingsshows
Host: Greg Morikone1Anchors of TruthNov 15th, 20242024-11-15listingsshows
Ryan Day Jill Morikone1Summer Camp MeetingDec 3rd, 20242024-12-03listingsshows
& Jill Morikone13ABN HomecomingDec 14th, 20242024-12-14listingsshows
Host: Jill Morikone1Anchors of TruthJan 1st, 20252025-01-01listingsshows
John Moyer13ABN On the RoadDec 25th, 20242024-12-25listingsshows
Andrew Mpita13ABN On the RoadOct 9th, 20242024-10-09listingsshows
C.A. Murray24Anchors of Truth, Daniel All Access, 3ABN On the Road, Free Indeed, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Host: C.A. Murray45Anchors of Truth, Give Me the BibleJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
CA. Murray23ABN Homecoming, Foundation of Our FaithDec 21st, 20242024-12-21listingsshows
C.A Murray2Give Me the Bible, 3ABN HomecomingDec 23rd, 20242024-12-23listingsshows
Host: C. A. Murray3Give Me the BibleJan 3rd, 20252025-01-03listingsshows
John Carter C.A Murray13ABN HomecomingSep 29th, 20242024-09-29listingsshows
John Lomacang C.A Murray13ABN HomecomingSep 30th, 20242024-09-30listingsshows
Ivor Myers C.A. Murray13ABN HomecomingOct 6th, 20242024-10-06listingsshows
CA Murray CA Murray13ABN HomecomingNov 11th, 20242024-11-11listingsshows
Ivor Myers137Salvation in Symbols and Signs, Battles of Faith, Urban ReportFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Francine Bergmann - 3ABN Kids Ne1Summer Camp MeetingNov 4th, 20242024-11-04listingsshows
Tyrone Nelson2Free IndeedFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Timothy Newman1Free IndeedFeb 5th, 20252025-02-05listingsshows
Jim Nix4Anchors of TruthNov 28th, 20242024-11-28listingsshows
Royce Odiyar23ABN On the RoadDec 9th, 20242024-12-09listingsshows
April Overbey1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
Pr. Taj Pacleb19Revelation of Hope (Pacleb), Anchors of TruthFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listingsshows
Tim Parton105Your Favorites By Request, 3ABN Kids Camp Sing Along, 3ABN Christmas Special, 3ABN Homecoming, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
John Lomacang - Pastor1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
John Lomacang Pastor1Summer Camp MeetingNov 29th, 20242024-11-29listingsshows
James Rafferty Pastor1Summer Camp MeetingDec 4th, 20242024-12-04listingsshows
Walter Pearson73Breath of Life "Walter Pearson"Feb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Pr. Wes Peppers5Anchors of TruthJan 4th, 20252025-01-04listingsshows
Daniel Perrin683ABN Kids Camp Bible Gems, 3ABN Today Bible Q&A, 3ABN Today, Today Family Worship, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Dustin Pestlin5Final Days, Urban Report, 3ABN TodayFeb 7th, 20252025-02-07listingsshows
Cheri Peters117Celebrating Life in Recovery, 3ABN On the Road, Urban ReportFeb 7th, 20252025-02-07listingsshows
Wintley Phipps38Perfecting Me, 3ABN Homecoming, Special Feature, 3ABN Christmas Special, etcFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
Pr. Wintley Phipps5Anchors of TruthDec 27th, 20242024-12-27listingsshows
Jill Morikone - 3ABN Vice Presid1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
Jill Morikone - 3ABN Vice Presid1Summer Camp MeetingNov 4th, 20242024-11-04listingsshows
Carl Preval5Thunder in the Holy LandFeb 7th, 20252025-02-07listingsshows
Moses Primo13ABN HomecomingDec 15th, 20242024-12-15listingsshows
Greg Morikone - 3ABN Production1Summer Camp MeetingOct 23rd, 20242024-10-23listingsshows
Greg Morikone - 3ABN Production1Summer Camp MeetingNov 4th, 20242024-11-04listingsshows
Shelley Quinn2593ABN Worship Hour, 3ABN Today Bible Q&A, 3ABN Today, Spotless, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
J.D. Quinn353ABN Today Bible Q&A, Today Family Worship, 3ABN Today LIVE, 3ABN On the Road, etcFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
John Lomacang Shelley Quinn53ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listingsshows
Steve Wohlberg Shelley Quinn1Summer Camp MeetingJan 3rd, 20252025-01-03listingsshows
Host: Shelley Quinn7Give Me the BibleJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
Shelly Quinn63ABN Sabbath School PanelOct 2nd, 20242024-10-02listingsshows
Sheley Quinn13ABN Sabbath School PanelSep 18th, 20242024-09-18listingsshows
C.A. Murray Shelley Quinn13ABN HomecomingOct 13th, 20242024-10-13listingsshows
Ivor Myers Shelley Quinn13ABN HomecomingOct 20th, 20242024-10-20listingsshows
Doug Batchelor Shelley Quinn13ABN HomecomingDec 16th, 20242024-12-16listingsshows
Ty Gibson Shelley Quinn1Summer Camp MeetingOct 30th, 20242024-10-30listingsshows
Shelley Quinn Shelley Quinn13ABN HomecomingNov 12th, 20242024-11-12listingsshows
James Rafferty3023ABN Sabbath School Panel, Table Talk, 3ABN Worship Hour, 3ABN Today Bible Q&A, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshowsdetails
Ryan Day James Rafferty1Summer Camp MeetingJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
David Shin James Rafferty13ABN HomecomingJan 7th, 20252025-01-07listingsshows
James Rafferty Risë Rafferty23ABN HomecomingJan 9th, 20252025-01-09listingsshows
Lorenzo Reid1Free IndeedFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Alan Reinach1The Carter ReportFeb 2nd, 20252025-02-02listingsshows
Jim Reinking24Life Discovery SeriesFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Nathan Renner33ABN On the RoadDec 8th, 20242024-12-08listingsshows
Dr. Tim Standish Geoscience Rese1Summer Camp MeetingNov 28th, 20242024-11-28listingsshows
Hiram Rester7Anchors of Truth, 3ABN On the RoadJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listingsshows
Anthony Rice1Free IndeedFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshows
Jay Rosario6Engage, 3ABN On the RoadFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Troy Sandifar1Free IndeedJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listingsshows
Paul Selchow21White Horse MediaFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Eric Selchow10White Horse MediaFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
CEO U.S. Dream Academy Danny She1Summer Camp MeetingNov 26th, 20242024-11-26listingsshows
Elder Ted N.C. Wilson Danny Shel13ABN HomecomingNov 26th, 20242024-11-26listingsshows
Chris Shelton80Behold the Lamb Presents, Today Family Worship, 3ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Kenny Shelton1663ABN Sabbath School Panel, 3ABN Worship Hour, Today Family Worship, Summer Camp Meeting, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Danny Shelton603ABN Homecoming, 3ABN Christmas Special, 3ABN Today LIVE, 3ABN Today, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshowsdetails
Host: Danny Shelton13Anchors of Truth, Give Me the BibleJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listingsshows
Kenny Shelton Danny Shelton93ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 5th, 20252025-02-05listingsshows
Yvonne Shelton120Salvation in Symbols and Signs, 3ABN Today, 3ABN Christmas Special, Summer Camp Meeting, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
James Rafferty Yvonne Shelton43ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 5th, 20252025-02-05listingsshows
Wintley Phipps Danny Shelton3Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingJan 6th, 20252025-01-06listingsshows
Ronnie Shelton1Summer Camp MeetingDec 28th, 20242024-12-28listingsshows
Chris Hudson Yvonne Shelton1Summer Camp MeetingJan 1st, 20252025-01-01listingsshows
Mark Finley Danny Shelton2Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listingsshows
Host: Donnie Shelton1Give Me the BibleDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listingsshows
Kenny Shelton Chris Shelton1Behold the Lamb PresentsJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
John Carter Danny Shelton23ABN HomecomingSep 24th, 20242024-09-24listingsshows
Ronny Shelton2Summer Camp Meeting, Today Family WorshipJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listingsshows
Doug Batchelor Danny Shelton2Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingJan 1st, 20252025-01-01listingsshows
Kenny & Chris Shelton23ABN Today, 3ABN HomecomingDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listingsshows
Danny & Yvonne Shelton33ABN Christmas Special, 3ABN HomecomingDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listingsshows
Kenny Shelton Kenny Shelton13ABN HomecomingNov 17th, 20242024-11-17listingsshows
John Lomacang Yvonne Shelton13ABN HomecomingJan 6th, 20252025-01-06listingsshows
John Lomacang Danny Shelton13ABN HomecomingJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
Pastor Kenny Shelton23ABN Homecoming, 3ABN Worship HourFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Dr. Ben Carson Danny Shelton2Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingDec 14th, 20242024-12-14listingsshows
Terry Shelton23ABN Sabbath School PanelDec 27th, 20242024-12-27listingsshows
Kenney Shelton13ABN Sabbath School PanelJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listingsshows
& Yvonne Shelton.23ABN HomecomingJan 19th, 20252025-01-19listingsshows
Danny & Yvonne Shelton.13ABN HomecomingDec 29th, 20242024-12-29listingsshows
David Sherwood23ABN On the RoadDec 13th, 20242024-12-13listingsshows
David Shin4ASI Conventions, 3ABN On the Road, 3ABN Worship Hour, Undaunted CourageJan 26th, 20252025-01-26listingsshows
Yvonne Lewis Danny Shleton13ABN HomecomingOct 1st, 20242024-10-01listingsshows
Dolores Shudarek1Thunder in the Holy LandJan 31st, 20252025-01-31listingsshows
Willie Simon2Free IndeedFeb 3rd, 20252025-02-03listingsshows
Courtney Simpson1Free IndeedFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Chas Singer1Free IndeedJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listingsshows
David Singer1Free IndeedJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listingsshows
Philip Sizemore11For Every Truth - Parables from Scripture, 3ABN On the RoadDec 11th, 20242024-12-11listingsshows
Reggie & Ladye Love Smith43ABN Christmas Special, Summer Camp Meeting, 3ABN HomecomingFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshowsdetails
Reggie Smith143ABN Christmas Special, 3ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Carol Smith1Free IndeedFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Ladye Love Smith143ABN Christmas Special, 3ABN Homecoming, Summer Camp MeetingFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Erica Soule1Free IndeedJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
Steven Foster Sr.1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
Joshua Stansel1Free IndeedJan 23rd, 20252025-01-23listingsshows
Lincoln Steed13ABN On the RoadFeb 1st, 20252025-02-01listingsshows
Mollie Steenson103ABN Sabbath School Panel, Tiny Tots WorshipJan 25th, 20252025-01-25listingsshows
Host: Mollie Steenson10Give Me the BibleFeb 2nd, 20252025-02-02listingsshows
Hal Steenson13ABN On the RoadJan 2nd, 20252025-01-02listingsshows
John Lomacang Mollie Steenson13ABN HomecomingOct 14th, 20242024-10-14listingsshows
Dick Stenbakken13ABN On the RoadJan 5th, 20252025-01-05listingsshows
Kyle Stockberger1Free IndeedJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listingsshows
John Stoddart43ABN Christmas Special, Summer Camp MeetingDec 25th, 20242024-12-25listingsshows
Larry & strings1Summer Camp MeetingFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
Dannielle Synot23ABN On the Road, Celebrating Life in RecoveryJan 31st, 20252025-01-31listingsshows
Sheriff Marty Talbert1Free IndeedFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshows
Fall Creek SDA Church Sermon Tit1Summer Camp MeetingDec 4th, 20242024-12-04listingsshows
Steven Todd1Free IndeedFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Justin Torossian83ABN On the Road, Anchors of TruthFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
Louis Torres253ABN On the RoadNov 18th, 20242024-11-18listingsshows
Lori Carouther (Lanny Wolfe Trio1Summer Camp MeetingJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listingsshows
Lanny Wolfe Trio1Summer Camp MeetingDec 19th, 20242024-12-19listingsshows
Jill Morikone Sermon Title: Twis1Summer Camp MeetingNov 27th, 20242024-11-27listingsshows
Jessica Utter1Free IndeedFeb 6th, 20252025-02-06listingsshows
Santiago Valdez1Free IndeedJan 22nd, 20252025-01-22listingsshows
Ezequiel Vasquez3Engage, 3ABN On the RoadFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Lemuel Vega31Free Indeed, Urban Report, Celebrating Life in Recovery, 3ABN Today LIVE, etcFeb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
Lee Venden2Anchors of TruthNov 8th, 20242024-11-08listingsshows
Spirits Jill Morikone 3ABN Vice1Summer Camp MeetingNov 29th, 20242024-11-29listingsshows
Joetta Walls1Free IndeedJan 26th, 20252025-01-26listingsshows
WalterPearson1Breath of Life "Walter Pearson"Feb 8th, 20252025-02-08listingsshows
Jim Warthman1Free IndeedFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Jonathan Watkins1Free IndeedFeb 2nd, 20252025-02-02listingsshows
Marietta Webster1Summer Camp MeetingJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listingsshows
Shawn Weddle1Free IndeedJan 28th, 20252025-01-28listingsshows
Jackie Welsh1Free IndeedJan 27th, 20252025-01-27listingsshows
Portia Westfall1Free IndeedJan 30th, 20252025-01-30listingsshows
George Whirley1Free IndeedJan 20th, 20252025-01-20listingsshows
Pr. Jesse Wilson1Anchors of TruthOct 10th, 20242024-10-10listingsshows
Bernard Winfrey2Free IndeedFeb 2nd, 20252025-02-02listingsshows
Steve Wohlberg114Various, Good News For Muslims, Agents of Satan, Finding Hope in Depression and Despair, etcFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows
Lanny Wolfe1Summer Camp MeetingJan 24th, 20252025-01-24listingsshows
Shakiyla Woodard1Free IndeedJan 21st, 20252025-01-21listingsshows
Sylvester Yarbough1Free IndeedFeb 4th, 20252025-02-04listingsshows
Geoff Youlden23ABN On the RoadFeb 9th, 20252025-02-09listingsshows